"It hurts Mom." I cry as blood starts dripping, she doesn't reply she continues to cut through my screams with a smile on her face the whole time.

both of my arms were now bloody, my screams stopped a while ago when my head started to get dizzy, I think Mom cut too deep because the blood started to squirt out, that's all I remembered before all I saw was black.

When I woke up I was in a hospital, the bright lights blurred my vision and I looked down at my arms which were now wrapped, I tried to move but I was strapped down.

This wasn't the plan, please don't be mad Mom.

Soon a doctor comes in with a police officer, she tells me she's here to question me. "Who did this to you?" She asked my head was pounding.

"Tell her you to hurt yourself." My mother's voice echoes in my ear.

"I did it."

"Venice, why did you do this to yourself." She asks but I don't reply I just lay down, my head is pounding and my arms are sore, I want to go home.

Then I blacked out again.

When I woke up I was in a hospital still, but this one was slightly different there were children there, I was in new clothes now my socks were cool too, and the doctors here were nice.
My hands drag over the scars before I shake my head of my thoughts and head to my bathroom, I strip fully naked and get into the shower, scrub my body, and wash my hair and face.

When I'm finished I pull on some clean underwear and a long tee shirt before brushing my teeth and climbing into bed.

The weekend flew by pretty quickly, I was home all weekend cleaning up the house since Mom was gone, she always disappeared on the weekends and comes back Monday night, shitfaced and in a bad mood.

It was now Monday and I was back in school.

reaching into my locker I grabbed the math books that I needed for my first class, I shut my locker and turned around to a smirking Gracie. "Good morning Agatha." She smirked.

"Top of the morning Matilda." I laughed and walked with her since we had the first period together, walking into the class it was already filled with students, Gracie greeted the students she knew and I continued walking to the back and took a seat which Gracie followed.

"That was honestly the best birthday I've had yet." She smiled looking over at me. And I nod.

"Yup almost getting killed was the highlight of my night," I said jokingly while I opened my books and started taking notes.

"Yeah, but you gotta admit, you had fun." Although I couldn't remember much of the night due to my massive hangover, she was right, I did have a lot of fun.

"I did." I smile.

"And that guy you were dancing with, was hot." She says dramatically her eyes wide, and I turn to look at her laughing at her expression.

"Damn really? It is too bad I can't remember him." I shrug and continue writing down all my notes, and finally, stop when I'm finished and close the book.

"What do you mean you can't remember him? He was fucking hot like if I saw him as a background character in a movie flipping through a fucking book I'd remember him for the rest of my life." She rants.

"Well, now I'm jealous of Agatha." I stick out my bottom lip causing Gracie to laugh.

"You should be." She laughs.

The rest of the day goes by quickly and before I know it I'm sitting at home in my bed reading while I wait for my mother to return.

It takes hours for me to finally hear the front door open, but this time instead of yelling and anger I hear breathing and moaning.

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