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I cast my magic around the room locking her in knowing that lock on the door alone wouldn't stop her from escaping. Trapping her in there isn't right, I know that. I wish that I could return her to her realm, to her home where I know she is safe but without a deal from her father King Helios, that isn't possible without me betraying my own father and my realm. Would betraying my father be so bad? I already betrayed Aurora, my heart-bond. My heart-bond. The reality of it still hasn't set in. After all this time, I've found my heart-bond but she will never accept me. Not after what I've done.

"You can't keep me in here!" Aurora shouted. She began pounding her hands against the door, pleading with me to let her go. I could hear the desperation in her voice, I didn't have to see her to know she was crying. I placed my hands on the dark wooden door frame and rested my forehead on the door when Aurora fell silent. It took everything in me not to open the door, scoop her up in my arms and take her home where she belongs. I pushed off the door frame and headed for my father's office on the other side of the palace. I had to do something, anything to secure a deal that would allow Aurora to return home. Aurora will probably hate me forever but I'll sleep better when she is back in the light realm.

"Azra" I heard Spike say over my shoulder.

"Azra stop. Where are you going?"

"I have to speak with my father. I have to do something" I carried on down the hallway.

"Wait. Think this through. You can't go to him, not yet, not without a plan." Spike said jogging a little to keep up with me.

"You go to him now like this, he'll think you're only there for her. He will think you have lost the ability to do what this realm needs you to do."

I stopped "shit" I ran a hand over my face. Spike is right. I can't have my father thinking I'm incapable of being the future king because I am heart bound to a light fae.

"Come on." Spike patted my back and guided me in the opposite direction from where my father probably is.

"Let's get a drink" I nodded and followed Azra down the hall past my room and to Spike's room.

Spike handed me a glass of whiskey which I knocked back instantly before slumping in a chair by the fire. Spike took the glass and refilled it placing the bottle on the table in between us before sitting in the seat opposite.

"When did you know?" He asked. I kept my gaze on the fire. I know what he meant. He was asking when I knew Aurora was my heart bond.

"I suspected the day I met her but I didn't know for sure until she was shot out of the sky. Until I thought I was going to lose her" I said.

Spike let out a loud breath. I stared into the orange flames recalling the moment Aurora was shot three times and began plummeting for the ground. Something deep inside me burst free and reached out to her, solidifying our bond. I felt the pain of the arrows as they pierced her skin, I felt her fear and the sadness she felt when realizing she would never see her family again, but it was the premature grief I felt of losing her that destroyed the part of me that was disregarding the bond between us. I couldn't lose her, I couldn't watch her die. I leaped into the air, my wings, and body were in agony. I flung my magic out to soften the impact before catching her and holding her close as I took the brunt of the fall. I felt my ribs crack and my leg was twisted at an abnormal angle. The throbbing pain I felt was numbed by adrenaline, she still wasn't okay, her breathing was labored and her heart was weak. When I could no longer carry her fast enough, I passed her to Spike who ran with her to the infirmary. As she lay dying, I made her a silent promise that if she lived I would do everything in my power to get her home. I used my magic to heal her wounds but I was so worried that it wouldn't be enough. I've never felt that kind of fear before and I never want to feel it again. I knew at that moment that I would do anything to ensure her safety.

"What are we going to do?" Spike's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I blinked back to reality.

"My father won't release her back to the light fae unless the kings can come to some agreement. I need to talk to her brother." I answered.

"The prince? What for?" He raised a confused eyebrow.

"We have something in common." I knocked back the remaining whisky and set the glass down on the table.

"We both want to keep Aurora safe."

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