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Episode Three: "Familiar"

Episode Three: "Familiar"

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Rachel stopped working at two o'clock and sat at the familiar joint she always waited at to see Prieye. Prieye arrived on cue and slid on the seat unceremoniously.

"About time you called," Prieye sassed, "I rarely saw you for the past month. You refused to give me updates, what happened with your father?"

Rachel sighed and lifted her hand, showing the ring. "I got married" she answered monotonously.

Prieye's face comically morphed into shock and her jaw dropped. "You did what?!" she exclaimed in disbelief. "what do you mean you got married?! That's a joke right?"

"Shh, do you have to announce it to the world?" Rachel hurriedly shushed her. She looked around suspiciously before explaining, "it was a deal with my dad. He wanted me to replace Bethany, that's why he threatened to stop paying my mom's hospital bills."

Prieye looked speechless. "That man is a monster" she decided, "heartless beast. You are really married? He told you to replace Bethany and get married? I don't understand? Why? Tell me the full story Rachel."

Rachel explained how her father didn't want Bethany to marry Vicky because he was crippled so they told her to do it.

"Ha! Rachel...you have really suffered in this life" Prieye said pitifully. "how is it fair that he gets control over your life? He has ruined your life any way he can and he finally got you married for his selfish reasons?"

"I am really angry Rachel, how can you let them use you like this?" Prieye said upset.

"I'm angrier with myself Prieye, I feel completely helpless" Rachel said sadly. "there is nothing I can do anyways. I am already married and I am signing the court papers today."

"Oh God" Prieye said, feeling an headache. "are you really going to live like this? Married to someone you don't love? Worse still, forced by your father?"

"This is only happening to me because I have a lot to lose, it can't be helped. I can try to make the marriage work" Rachel tried to sound positive.

"Are you a saint?" Prieye asked, staring at Rachel in disbelief. She shook her head and asked, "what is he like? Is he really crippled? How rich is he?"

"He is...not interested in the marriage at all. He thinks of it as a business deal. He is very cold to me."

"That jerk! People like him still exist in the world?"

"He is crippled and he is really rich. He gave me a credit card for my own use, he told me to get a dress for a family dinner tomorrow" Rachel said nervously, "I can't even imagine the amount of money in this card."

"Life is so unfair, how is it that the rich are terrible people and they keep getting richer?" Prieye sulked upset. "Why can't you just use Mr. Vicky's money for your family then?"

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