There are two submersibles in the ship with special doors in the keel to down them in the water when necessary.
A McDowell Doglus 520 N helicopter is now sitting behind a fake container at the tail of the ship.

A naval commando is seated in front of the weapons console.
Torpedo, surface to surface, surface to air missile, the machinegun of .30 caliber on the upper deck, the raider guided 20 MM Valkan cannon, or the 120 MM cannon placed at the bow was now under his control.

"You ready?" asked Jin to Yoongi.

Yoongi nodded in approval.

"Then you should get moving with your team." Jin pushed them, "Hoseok, take the Doglus helicopter, drop them off in the Northern border. And always standby so that you can come to help either of the teams."

"Got it." Hoseok nodded in approval.

"I have a guide there." Yoongi provided, "I asked for their best guide for that Northern territory so that we can get inside the border under the reader, and the guide will take us up to that abandoned missile pod."

"You trust that guide?" Jin asked.

"I believe in my contact." Yoongi nodded, "And I heard this guide is very expert."

Nobody argued over it, they knew Yoongi's contacts were always the best. Yoongi asking for help from his allies was a rare case, those people from the underground will give their best assets to help him without any doubt.

"Good then." Jin nodded and after half an hour more, Yoongi's team got up on the Doglus chopper and flew away.

"Sunbong." Hoseok Declared from the cockpit.

They came to the north of North Korea. Hoseok had to show his skills this time, flying the chopper very low to evade the Northern radar and cross the coastline of North Korea from the seaside. Now they were above the forest of Sunbong where Yoongi is supposed to meet his contact.

Yoongi got up and took a helmet and placed it upside down in the middle of everyone.

Without any words, all of them pulled out the insignia from their black combat gear, their dog tag, and anything personal and put those in the helmet.

"This may be the biggest mission you have ever encountered all of your life.
Maybe it is the last day you are going to see the sunlight," Yoongi's voice was calm yet strong, "but this can be the most glorified day of your life. Remember one thing- you have been prepared for this day from day one. So don't hold back!"

"Aye!" the rest three shouted in unison.

"Take life if necessary, give your life if necessary. But I don't want us to see bow down and die before our death. What do you say?" his voice was confident.

"To death." Taehyung nodded and put the helmet on his head.

The rest two cheered without hesitation.

"You know the brief of the mission, so now let's go get these motherfuckers!" Yoongi put down the helmet on the seat and nodded to Hoseok in the cockpit.

Hoseok carefully landed the chopper on one side of the land. His radar was still confirming that no deadly missile was heading their way or any unexpected aircraft in the area. Meaning they managed to stay stealth until now.

One torch lit up from inside the forest, one blip, two blip, then three seconds rest, again one blip and two blips.

Yoongi also signaled from the chopper and within a minute a figure came out of the forest.

"Let's go, the guide is here." Yoongi looked at his team and his eyes landed on the expressionless face of Nabi and he nodded to her, "come quickly, we will be waiting down there."

Nabi nodded as the rest three got down.

She released a sigh and looked towards the cockpit.

Hoseok came out within a few seconds and smiled at her.

"Good luck." His smile was the sunshine that can brighten her day anytime.

Nabi nodded and walked towards him.

Hoseok took her in a deep embrace.

Nobody said a word.

"You are not allowed to die today, got it?" Nabi mumbled in his embrace, "come back to me after everything is over."

"Promise." smiled Hoseok and tightened his arms around the girl, "same goes to you."

"I will not die." Nabi retracted from the embrace and they locked eyes for almost a minute and she smiled, "It is not our last day on earth."

Hoseok smiled again and kissed her.

"Sorry to interrupt, hyung," Taehyung's voice came through the earpiece he provided everyone connected in an open channel, "we need to move."

Hoseok released Nabi and she nodded, squeezed his hands once more, and headed out.

She went towards the team waiting outside and sighed, "let's go."

"So you got two girls in your team? Not bad!" One rough voice spoke and Nabi instantly frowned.

Their contact was another girl?

[I feel like updating the whole mission in parts will be very bizarre and the flow will be lost.

So here is the thing. I will take some time to update the book next. I am gonna publish the whole mission at once so the flow doesn't get interrupted. I don't know how many chapters I have to update at once, but I am going to do it no matter how many chapters I have to update. So gonna need time to write, edit and research. Hope you understand.
Until next time, hyvasti!]

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