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Seeing Jin's frown, Jimin smiled proudly

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Seeing Jin's frown, Jimin smiled proudly.

They were now standing on the deck for the ship he arranged.
The ship was super old to look at. So much so that it seems that its position shouldn't be in the water, rather in the ship breaking yard. Any customs officer or harbor pilot would say the same thing. Nobody will look twice at it and that's exactly how Jimin wanted it to look like.

"Haenyo" looks nothing like its name in reality. It looks like it was a salvage ship for all unnecessary items. The coloring on the steel body was almost gone, the deck was overflowing with garbage. A wheelhouse and the superstructure was just another show.
The body was almost submerging above the waterline. It is not long before this whole ship expires.

"Before you say more, let's go inside." Jimin insisted and looked back at the whole team, "you too."

Except for Yoongi, the expression on everyone's face was a scene to see.
Disgusted and confused.

Half an hour later, Jin was seated in a room two-deck below the main deck. Jimin named the room, "operations center." It wouldn't be wrong if they call this room the brain of this ship.
Who would say, behind this oddly dysfunctional look of the ship, it was a high-tech spy vessel?

There was a blue glow in the room, resulting from numerous flat-screen monitors all around it. The floor was covered with antiskid antistatic rubber.
Taehyung whistled seeing it for the first time and certified it as the real-life version of the bridge of the starship entertainment from TV.

There were two chairs in front of the main display.
One is for the helmsman and another one is for weapons Control.

Aside from those, the consoles for radio, sonar, engineering, and damage controls were arranged around the room with chairs for the operators.

Jin was seated in a chair in the middle of the operations center. Everything was visible from here. With the console in front of him, he can take control of any console around it.

Beside Jin, there was the seat of Jimin.
With the control of the main server of the whole ship. Though he is there, the ship was fully automated with one resourceful AI, taking command from him and relaying the message to the actual helmsman.
That position of the helmsman
was being occupied by an expert mariner in the navy. His console was constantly getting data from the computerized system, changing the courses if necessary.

When Jimin said it was the best ship ever, he wasn't wrong. Haenyo was indeed the best-sophisticated information gathering ship till now.
Going anywhere, gathering any information they need, keeping eyes on the sea, conducting maritime patrolling, and spying over the surveillance system of submarine routes.

It was Jimin's dream project. He spent months and months after it. Took help from his friends and connection around the world, especially Yoongi helped him with his connections over the underground. So the ship developed its weapons and technology slowly to the best.
Haenyo even has a suit like an engine class destroyer. The hull has been strengthened with armored plates, no normal cannon shell can penetrate it, not even any normal rocket-propelled grenade.

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