Knockout x short mech reader

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Thank you for the request!

"Can you do Knockout x ShortMech reader

Reader is short and Knockout always teases him.
Knockout thinks the reader is too precious to be on the Nemesis
And for some reason Screamer hates the reader."

I wrote this when I should have studied for my test lol. But I love Knockout so much and I think this turned out okay.

Enjoy reading!

(Y/n) dragged his injured body through the empty halls of the Nemesis. His pedes draggen on the floor, each step creating a horrible screeching sound.

To his delight and inconvenience Knockout and Starscream turned the corner and saw him. He could see Knockout's red optics fill with relief and concern as the cherry red bot rushed to his aid, while Starscream rolled his optics in disgust and continued to walk past them.

Knockout helped (Y/n) up and they started making their way towards the medbay. Knockout held onto (Y/n)'s smaller frame tightly but gently enough not to hurt him.

"Thank y-you," (Y/n) stammered out.

"Don't even mention it," Knockout replied.

The pair walked to the medbay. Knockout laid (Y/n) on the operating table, where he fixed the damaged bot.

That was almost three weeks ago. Now (Y/n) wasn't allowed on missions alone anymore. Instead he spent his days helping Knockout in the medbay.

(Y/n) tried his best to help, but sometimes his height just wasn't enough. Him being too short led to Knockout constantly teasing him.

To Knockout, (Y/n) looked so cute running around the medbay, trying to reach stuff clearly out of his height range. Sometimes he wondered what such a sweet bot did on the Nemesis. (Y/n) was too precious to be a Decepticon. But Knockout was glad they were on the same team.

Lately (Y/n) had noticed that Knockout had started treating him differently. Knockout had started teasing him way more, almost in a flirty way and he had gotten more protective of (Y/n).

So one day, he decided to ask about it. (Y/n) casually leaned on a table while Knockout was working on something on a computer.

"Hey uh.. Knockout?"

"What's up, shorty?"

(Y/n) sighed heavily and loud enough for Knockout to hear. Knockout turned to the smaller bot with a sarcastic smile.

"What's with this sudden teasing?" (Y/n) asked. "Did you start caring about me after some bots beat me up?" He continued, half jokingly.

Knockout's optics widened in suprise. He could feel his cheek plates heat up in embarrassment. Was he really that easy to read?

"And a few days back when Starscream was nagging and criticizing me about something, you defended me," (Y/n) thought out loud.

Knockout just stood there. He didn't say a word. His face plate gaining color fast.

"What? No sassy comeback?" (Y/n) chuckled, his voice making Knockout blush more.

(Y/n) stopped laughing when he noticed that Knockout was quiet. He looked at the cherry red bot quizzically. Knockout sighed heavily. He looked away from (Y/n).

"I've always cared about you... But seeing you in that condition," He said, his voice trembling.

Knockout brought his gaze back on (Y/n). His optics held a loving look.

"It just made me realize how much I actually care about you," Knockout confessed.

(Y/n) took a step back in suprise. He was blushing aswell. Soon a sly smile found its way to his dermas.

"Would you go as far as saying.. You loved me..?" (Y/n) asked cheekily.

Knockout bursted out laughing. (Y/n) blinked a couple of times, dumbfounded.

"H-hey! What's so funny?" He asked, his voice quaking an embarrassing amount.

After calming down, Knockout had a mischievous smirk on his face.

"If I said yes, would you feel the same way?" Knockout asked.

"I uh-" (Y/n) stammered out.

He didn't expect that answer. Knockout held his gaze, his smile never wavering once.

(Y/n) smiled and let out a soft giggle. He gave a small nod.

"Yes. Yes I would," (Y/n) responded with a soft smile.

"Wait what?"

(Y/n) walked over to Knockout. He shook his head lightly as he chuckled.

"I said yes," He said with a gentle voice.

Knockout's optics were wide with suprise. (Y/n) chuckled at his expression. He laid a gentle servo on Knockout's shoulder plate.

"But you know, it would have saved you a ton of trouble if you would've told me sooner!" (Y/n) said.

"Oh (Y/n), you're so precious!" Knockout exclaimed and engulfed (Y/n) in a tight hug.

(Y/n) yelped in suprise but chuckeld after wraping his arms around Knockout's larger frame. He could perfectly rest his head on Knockout's shoulder. Knockout nuzzled closer to his neck.

They stood there in each other's arms, not wanting to ever let go.

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