Mimi: Would there be anything else Sir?

Nobunaga: No thanks. Here's your tip kid have a good day.

Mimi:(bows) You too Please come again.

Nobunaga walks away from the café before it closes for today leaving Mimi. After work was done her smile Disappears from her face still no word on Izuku she tried for these past weeks but couldn't find anything.

Mimi:(sighs) Still nothing....

She arrives to her home entering to she her mother and father sitting on the couch.

Masaru: Mimi how's work?

Mimi: It's been busy nothing more really. So have they found anything on Izuku?

Mitsuki shook her head with sadness expressing on her face.

Mimi: I see... I gonna go to bed I still have work tomorrow so.

Masaru:(smile) We understand sweetie get some rest ok?

Mimi: ok dad. Night mom.

Mitsuki:(smile) Night sweetie.

Mimi left for her room to see her brother.

Mimi:(Hostile) What do you want Katsuki?

Bakugo: I just wanted to talk to you sis.

Mimi glares at him with angry look in her eyes she hadn't forgiven him for the things he has done. She walked past him to her room.

Mimi: There's nothing to talk about just stay the hell away from me and I'm not your sister.

She closed the door on his face leaving bakugo with his thoughts.

Bakugo:(thoughts) I screwed up.

Eri was carried looking around the hideout with her honorary aunt and uncle seeing the rest of the Phantom Troupe. She notices how different there are how resilient and calm.

Phinks: It's seems that little princess is awake now.

Franklin: She still recovering but we wanted her to meet you all so she can be comfortable with everyone here.

Shizuku: But do you think it'd wise for her to leave her bed?

Pakunoda: She'll be fine I know she's stronger than she looks.

Chrollo was in the back silent reading his book seeing pakunoda carrying the child in her arms he's aware of the girl but didn't say anything.

Machi: How are you feeling kid?

Eri:(hesitant) ummm...

Machi: it's fine you don't have to say anything. We're all glad your more better now okay there's no need to be afraid.

Eri: Okay...

Uvogin:(Laughing loudly) You guys are getting soft.

Eri got scared when he laughed so loud making her hold on to pakunoda shaking making Uvogin stop his Laughing seeing he scared her.

Pakunoda and Franklin gave him a death glare as Uvo realize his mistake.

Uvogin:(softly) Oh um sorry kid I didn't mean to scare you like that. Sorry.

Eri stop shaking and look at him seeing his face full of gentleness and guilt.

Phinks: Damn she must been through hell.

Shizuku: poor thing.

Pakunoda: Uvogin please tried not to be so loud when she's around.

Uvogin: Again sorry.

Eri: U-u-vo?

Uvogin:(smile) Yeah kid my name's Uvogin but you can called me Uvo little squirt.

Eri: Okay uncle Uvo.

This made Uvo heart squeeze making his face looked like that Izuku would have naturally done.

Phinks: hahahahaha your face!!

Machi watched as she gave a very small smile.

Feitan: Normally I wouldn't care about certain things I admit that's was funny as hell.

Eri was slowly getting use to the phantom troupe feeling peaceful with these people. As Uvogin face was still the same as nobunaga enters.

Nobunaga: I'm back. I- pfffttt hahahahah!!!

Nobunaga sees Uvogin's face making him fall laughing. Uvogin snaps out of it before smile sheepishly. Izuku walks in with the bags from his trip seeing nobunaga on the floor Laughing and seeing Uvogin made him chuckles.

Eri spots izuku as he walked in she smiles very brightly.

Eri:(smile) Papa!!!

Izuku eyes widen as everyone turn to see Izuku with bags of groceries. Everyone looked surprised as well seeing Eri smile so bright.

Feitan: Damn it I'm blind again.

Note: I officially don't have chapter name for this one but I hope you enjoy this.

Mha Phantom Troupe Dekuजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें