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It's been a few months since Izuku joined the Phantom Troupe under being trained by nobunaga and uvogin trying to use aura and manifest it with intense training combat.

Uvogin: C'mon kid I know you need rest, but believe me kid the moment you drop your guard your good as dead!!

Uvogin then charge at Izuku punched him in the stomach causing Izuku to lose his standing vomiting on the ground.

Izuku:(thoughts) Damn he ain't pulling his punches like before... Uvogin means business if I drop my guard I'm good as dead in the real world. I must increase my aura before charging at him with a counter attack.

Izuku gets back up using his aura to increase his stamina before charging at uvogin sending a punch at him before being blocked by him with a punch to the face sending him flying back.

Phinks:(wince) That's got to hurt.

Franklin: the kid has some guts foolishly charging at uvogin.

Nobunaga was watching the whole thing with izuku and uvogin couldn't help but smile inwardly reminds him and uvogin when they first trained their nen the good times when the phantom troupe was founded.

Machi: this is just training for him chrollo told Uvogin to hold back with his punches.

The Troupe saw how Izuku was evolving slowly during training it was sloppy at first during the first week and the next. This time Izuku is improving little at a time with his nen.

Uvogin:(loud) Remember kid in this world you have to fight to survive so bring everything you got!

Izuku regain his composure before resume training with Uvogin. Machi decided to talk to chrollo about something about the kid.

Machi: Chrollo may I ask you something?

Chrollo was reading his book before responding with a nod to Machi to her question.

Machi: The kid I haven't ask yet about him do you think he's a official member of the Troupe?

Chrollo: not an official member quite yet.... but seeing his potential might be a possibility and nurturing his aura would most likely bloom with radiance in time we'll see.

Machi: isn't that the reason you put nobunaga and uvogin to train him?

Chrollo: Indeed from what I sense from Izuku he would mostly have Enhancement ability. With Uvogin's strength and endurance to most attacks suited him for training Izuku to endure attacks from enemies.

Machi: and for nobunaga?

Chrollo: Nobunaga with his ability to use en to be aware of his enemies within range can help with him to be aware of his surroundings.

Chrollo closes his book before looking at izuku finished with his daily training with Uvogin.

Izuku:(breathing) Damn uvogin those are some nasty punches without using your aura you are something else.

Uvogin:(laughing) You seem to got some improvement on yourself kid. Being punch like that usually when that happens people wouldn't even get back up.

Izuku:(bows) thanks Uvogin for helping me improve for today.

Uvogin: Don't get soft on me kid remember this is just combat training there's alot to show you with such a sort period of time. Be ready for tomorrow alright?

Izuku nods his head in understanding during his first few weeks with the Troupe he was intimidated by them at first until he started to warm up to them during training.

Nobunaga: I say kid you might even pull though this in one piece.

Izuku:(smile) thanks you nobunaga for helping me train along with Uvogin.

Nobunaga:(chuckles) Don't worried about it kid remember in this group were equals no matter what we are even if we're quirkless we have the strength to overcome any obstacle.

Izuku watch nobunaga walking away thinking for a moment about the phantom troupe even though they themselves were the worlds dangerous criminals he was starting to see how they see each other as family.

He couldn't help but smile inwardly even though training was intense and harsh it was something for him to take heart knowing he has people who want him to grow. Unlike his previous family who neglected him for Izumi and her abusive attitude making him resent her in every way possible.


Shalnark: Is there something wrong Izuku? You looked pretty down and out.

Shalnark was the first person he actually had a conversation the first week before opening up to the others. He wasn't sure how to talk since he lacks communication skills, but overtime it faded away as he grew close to the troupe slowly.

Izuku: It's nothing shalnark it's just something I don't like thinking about time to time.

Shalnark: Whatever it is don't let it hold you back from yourself. Remember it you focus too much on the past it will hold you back in the future.

Izuku: Thanks shalnark I'll try remember that.

Shalnark: That's good oh that reminds me I wanted to see if you or pakunoda would like to go to the city for a bit.

Izuku:(curious)Sure thing Is there something you guys need to do there?

Shalnark: Not necessary just somethings that need to be taken care of with some underground Villains in the area called the League of Villains.

Izuku:(thoughts) The league of Villains? I never heard from them.

Shalnark: That's great and don't worry it's just in and out sort of thing.

Izuku agrees to shalnark to meet these Villains known as the League of Villains.


Unknown Location

In the shadows a man in a suit is now waiting for the Phantom Troupe members to meet the league of Villains for the first time. Wanting to negotiate with the most dangerous criminals known to join him.

Season 1 Ending:

Mha Phantom Troupe Dekuजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें