The Ceremony

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"We are all Jedi. The Force speaks through us. Through our actions, the Force proclaims itself and what is real. Today we are here to acknowledge what the Force has proclaimed." The three Jedi Grand Masters Lahru, Pra-Tre Veter, and Yoda recited the ancient words. (Y/n) tried his best to hide his emotions but the masters could still tell how excited he really was. They were just three of the twelve masters who stood with their lightsabers held up.

Finally master Yoda stepped forwards as (y/n) kneeled on one knee. The masters pointed their lightsabers to the ground. "(Y/n) (l/n). By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force, dub thee I do Jedi," the master swung his lightsaber and cut off (y/n)'s padawan braid as the masters aimed their lightsabers again at the ceiling "Knight of the Republic." (Y/n) rose to his feet and smiled.

"Congratulations (y/n)!" The boy was walking through the halls of the Jedi temple when suddenly someone jumped on his back. The boy laughed.

"Thanks Zeen" he said as he pushed the girl off of him. "I wasn't sure if you all would be here. I thought maybe master Yoda had come by himself"

"You can't get rid of us that easily" another voice came from his side. The boy turned and saw Lula standing there.

"And why pray tell would I want that?" (Y/n) asked with a smirk. "You two work excellently as eye candy"

"Wow. You really know how to make a woman feel special" Lula laughed before hitting the boys shoulder.

"Maybe it's a good thing you Jedi can't have relationships. Nobody would go out with you, your flirting is horrible" Zeen held in a laugh.

"You love me" (y/n) replied as he pat Zeens head-tendrils causing her to blush.

"Stop teasing the poor girl" Lula laughed.

"You can't order me what to do. I outrank you now" (y/n) replied with a smirk.

"And here I was thinking you couldn't get anymore insufferable" Lula sighed before looking to Zeen. "We should be going. Master Yoda said we needed to leave as soon as the ceremony was over"

(Y/n) frowned. "Alright. Thanks for coming though"

The girls took turns hugging him before they left. (Y/n) sighed, usually all of his friends would have been here for his knighting ceremony but because of all the nihil stuff they were scattered across the galaxy. "You don't look to happy for someone who was just knighted"

(Y/n) put on a fake smile. "No I'm fine master Gios" he could tell the master wasn't convinced.

"I get it" Stellan said as he put a hand on the boys shoulder. "I'm sorry your friends couldn't make it, but during these times nothing is what we would like it to be" the man pulled something out of his pocket. "Vernestra wanted to be able to give you this herself but a day ago she was forced away from coruscant so she gave it to me to give to you" he held out the box to (y/n).

(Y/n) carefully took the box. "What's in it?"

"Let's find out shall we?" The Jedi master asked with a smile. (Y/n) smiled before opening the box, inside was Vernestras own padawan braid. (Y/n) smiled, most padawans just rid of their braids, however a few would give them to their closest friend as a way of showing that bond. "Again, congratulations (y/n)" Stellan smiled at the boy before leaving.

(Y/n) closed the box before putting his hand in his robes, there he felt his own padawan braid. He had already been planning on giving it to Vernestra but this just made it even better. "Next time I see her" the boy nodded before walking away.

A Week Later

"Kriffing hell!" (Y/n) was flung through the air and hit the wall behind him.

"You're doing well" Master Avar Kriss smiled down at the boy. He had decided after his knighting ceremony to head back out to the frontier. "But watch your language or I'll stop going easy on you"

"That was easy?!" (Y/n) asked as he slowly got back up. "I nearly broke my back that time"

"Don't be over dramatic" the woman replied with a smirk. "Let's stop for the day. Vern was looking for you"

"She's back?!" (Y/n) asked excitedly. "See you!" The boy said quickly before zooming out of the room.

(Y/n) used the force to make him faster and ran from room to room looking for the girl. Before he could realize it he had ran into somebody and both Jedi fell to the floor. "(Y/n)?" A familiar voice asked. The boy smiled.

"Vernestra!" He quickly hugged the girl.

"Uh- it's good to see you but I'd appreciate it if we could get off the floor" the girl motioned to the ground they were laying on.

"Oh. Right. Sorry" the boy laughed nervously before getting up and pulling the girl to her feet as well. "Here" the boy happily presented a box to the girl.

Vernestra smiled and took the box. "Is this what I think it is?" She asked causing (y/n) to nod. She opened the box before closing it and hugging the boy. "Thank you"

Word count: 900

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