Meditation Sucks

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"Meditation sucks" both (y/n) and Viv'nia said at the same time as they pouted.

'Those two are remarkably similar' Lily thought to herself before she opened her eyes and looked over at them. All five Jedi were currently sitting in a circle while they were supposed to be meditating. "You'll need to know it in order to become full Jedi"

"Ugh" Viv'nia groaned as (y/n) Pat her back.

"Yeah people keep telling me that" (y/n) sighed before standing up and igniting his lightsaber. "I'd much rather just have lightsaber battles"

"A Jedi should not crave violence" Lily said as she also stood up and lit her two lightsaber. Her padawan and the two younglings both backed away out of the way. "Show me what you've got"

"Go (y/n)!" Viv'nia cheered as she jumped up and down.

(Y/n) smirked as he looked at the girl. "With pleasure" he stated before swinging his lightsaber at the girls chest. She quickly deflected the hit before swinging her other lightsaber at him. (Y/n) jumped up over the girl and dodged the hit. He landed sitting on her shoulders before holding his lightsaber down to her neck. Viv'nia cheered.

"You're good" Lily admitted before using the force to pull the boys lightsaber out of his hands. "But you're unfocused" she then force pushed him to the ground behind her before holding her hand out to help him up. "That's why you need to learn to meditate" she said as she pulled the boy up.

"Yeah yeah" (y/n) replied with a sigh before sitting back down on the floor. The boy closed his eyes and began trying to meditate. Immediately Visions began to flash through his head.

A man in armor

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A man in armor. Sith. His lightsaber clashed with that of another sith. His apprentice. (Y/n) didn't know how he knew this but he did. This new woman wielded a double bladed lightsaber and used some kind of force ability he had never seen. Sith magic perhaps? He'd only ever heard of it in legends.

 Sith magic perhaps? He'd only ever heard of it in legends

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The vision changed. Now he saw the woman, older, standing beside a younger Sith. Her apprentice.

"The rule of two, a master and an apprentice

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"The rule of two, a master and an apprentice. One to embody power, the other to crave it" the first woman's words resonated within (y/n)'s head. "Our secrecy is our survival, nobody must know of us" the vision ended and (y/n) opened his eyes.

"He's awake!" The voice of Viv'nia called out from besides (y/n). Lily then appeared infront of him.

"What did you see?" Lily asked as she sat across from (y/n).

"How did you know?"

"You're not good at hiding your emotions. And I was able to feel the darkness radiating off of you while you meditated" Lily replied. "What did you see?"

"A vision of the past. Sith" (y/n) replied as he looked at Lily. "It was probably nothing. Just a dream"

"I hope you're right. It doesn't seem like a good sign to be having dark visions" Lily said as she stood up. She then offered her hand to the boy before pulling him up as well. "I think this ends our training for the day"

"Yes!" Viv'nia yelled before she and (y/n) high fived. "No more boring meditation!"

The next day (y/n) watched as Viv'nia and Nima dueled with training sticks. "So any idea when you go for the gathering?" He asked the two younglings. The gathering was the ceremony where Jedi younglings go to Illum and get their lightsaber crystal.

"In a couple of weeks!" Nima said excitedly as she slashed with her stick at Viv'nia.

"Oh wow. That's sooner than I expected" (y/n) said as he watched Viv'nia deflect the stick.

"Yeah! Master Poof is taking us" Viv'nia said before being knocked to the ground by Nima. She pouted.

"You got old long neck Huh?" (Y/n) asked as he used the force to put Viv'nia back on her feet.

"Who did you have?" Nima asked curiously.

"Master Rancicis took my group" (y/n) replied as he pulled out his lightsaber. He then used the force to make it hover as he disassembled it. He used the force to isolate his crystal and made it hover in front of the two kids. "Long story short I got this" the two kids looked at it in amazement, they'd never seen a kyber crystal in person before.

"Awesome!" Viv'nia said as (y/n) then used the force to reassemble his lightsaber.

"I'll see you two later" (y/n) said before beginning to walk off. "I have to go train more, cram as much as possible into the next few days"

Word count: 787

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