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I sit there, gobsmacked. 

Caleb looks at his empty dinner plate. 

"Why?" I croak out, clutching my cutlery like it's the last American Girl® doll in the store on Christmas Eve. 

"Well, I think it might be nice to have a change." Red — who apparently is there for moral support, though he doesn't look happy either — gives Mom a nod. She continues: "Running the campground is expensive, sweetie. It takes a lot of upkeep and maintenance and ..." 

"It's because of me." Caleb's voice trembles, a 7.5 on the Richter scale. "Because I was sick." 

"No, sweetheart," she says quickly. "It's just a lot to manage." 

"We've never had a problem managing before." My voice is as shaky as Caleb's. She cannot be serious. Selling our home? This is so completely out of left field. 

"It's the money," Caleb croaks. A few tears roll down his face, and he wipes them away angrily. "With all we spent on medical bills this year, we can't afford it, right?" 

"Don't be silly, Cale."I know he's probably right but I don't want to make him feel worse. Neither does Mom. She doesn't want to lie to us, but, by the look on her face, I'm guessing we don't know the half of the money problems. Our insurance coverage isn't the best because we run our own business. I've heard her worrying about this on the phone with Aunt Cheryl when she thinks I'm not listening. And now, after months of Caleb in the hospital, medications, physio, missed work, maybe it's just all too much.I put down my cutlery. "May I be excused?" 

"Julia," Mom begins. I don't wait for an answer. I start walking. Around the side of the house, down the driveway, out to the road; one foot in front of the other. My cheeks are wet. This isn't happening. 

I trudge past several campsites — on autopilot — in no particular direction. It's Friday and people are getting all set up. Tents are being put together, RVs backed in, firewood collected, tarps hung. Music blares from docking stations, and bursts of laughter clash with my agony. 

Mom can't be serious. The campground is our home. Where would we go? What would we do? The overwhelming urge to vomit isn't going away. Like the time I slept over at Paige's house and mistakenly drank the glass of water on the bedside table that she uses to soak her night guard. 

I walk for what feels like hours, up and down the rows of campsites. When I finally look up from my dazed wandering, I'm approaching site 33. 

Dan's site. 

His family books the same spot every year when they come from the city for their month-long stay. Three's his favorite number, he explained that first summer, so double threes is extra good luck. But an enormous RV that looks like it sleeps twenty comfortably is parked in the spot. It's not the Schaeffers'. 

Idiots, I think. Didn't they see the Reserved sign on the site's post? Marching up to the RV, I wipe the tear tracks off my face and take a deep breath, eager to unleash my frustration on the unsuspecting campers. The RV door swings open and a pretty blonde descends the steps, laughing. A tall guy with brown hair styled to the side follows behind her. 

"Excuse me," I say. "This spot is actually reserved. You're going to have to move your ..." 

"Jules?" the boy says. 

My mouth drops. "Dan?"Racing the remaining distance, I fling myself at him, burying my face in his chest. He smells so good. His arms wrap around me, feeling so familiar that more tears start to form. "It's so good to see you," I blubber. "I can't believe you're here, I have so much to tell you ..." This is not quite how I pictured our grand reunion, but I am too upset to care. 

"Um, Jules." Dan awkwardly untangles himself from my clutches. "I want you to meet someone."I've totally forgotten about the blonde model standing beside us. I manage to wipe most of the snot off my face before facing her. 

"Hi," she chirps, perfect and mucus-free. 

"Hi." My voice is unsure. 

"Jules, this is Taylor."I look from Taylor to Dan, confused. "My girlfriend." 

Wow, I can't believe he's introducing me as his girlfriend. I mean it's what I was hoping for, but we never even talked about ... Then I pick up on the body language between them. 

Oh. Taylor is Dan's girlfriend. 

I force myself to smile. "Nice to meet you." 

"Jules's family owns and runs the campground," Dan explains to Taylor.She nods politely. An uncomfortable silence settles around us. 

"So ... you guys bought a new RV, hey?" A maniacal grin takes my face hostage. 

"Yeah," Dan says. "Want a tour?" 

Um, no. 

"Actually, I promised Red I'd check on something down at the dock." I need to get out of here. "But say hi to your parents for me." I catch a glimpse of two dark shapes moving around in the RV. 

"Sure," he says, voice hesitant. "Jules ..." 

"Bye!" Turning around, I walk away as quickly as possible, almost tripping over the fire pit I shoveled out yesterday to prepare for his arrival. 

"Nice meeting you," Taylor calls after me. 

"Same." I wave over my shoulder. I can't think. I can't breathe. All I can do is walk.Dan has a girlfriend. He brought her here. Why didn't he tell me? 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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