Chapter 15

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Continue to intro, Valhalla time;>
And lastly, this is my gang I'm the leader

Time skip since idk the others? Like goshhh;-; I'm dumb

"Nice to meet u too everyone:>"

Srry time skip I don't have any ideas
At home



"U think I can join one of the gangs?"

"....well u can but it's very dangerous, even if I gave a gang I cannot allow u"

"Why? what do I need to do to get into one of the gangs?"

"Of course u know we will fight so we need to test them up if there good to go and join us"

"Mh but how do I pick one?"

"Ur confident in ur fighting skills ey😏"

"Wat u think I'm not strong?!, want about this tomorrow let's go to the boxing area{thingy}"

"Sure, and if u show me if u really can fight how about let's hold a gather all the captain's and their captains to see if they want u to be in their gang"


                    To be continued
I'm sorry this is short but I promise tomorrow I will write a much longer chapter

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