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I quickly spoke up, fear creeping down my back. "Oh Clover, Yeah we were talking about driving my bot around planets, even landing on one."

She gives a skeptical look before she starts speaking again. "What bot? And why do you want to go to other planets?"

Getting frustrated with her inability to mind her business, I put y-bot on the ground, causing it to make sounds and roll around her before giving a forced smile.

"We want to put y-bot on other planets so they can gather things the disassembly drones can't." I lie. She sighs, passing us putting her tools away. "Well alright, Its time for lunch so..see ya."

As soon as she leaves Xavier, let  out a sigh of relief, picking up y-bot. "That was...something." I nod as we make our way out of the lab to an empty corner of the cafeteria. Putting y-bot in my bag despite its beeps and boops, I look towards Xavier and he looks back at me. We both nodded. Tonight is the night.

After ordering our lunch from the server bots, we quietly discussed. "We can do it after 12 when night watch starts." I shake my head.

"The ship terminal has cameras, we'll get caught before we can even-" I began tapping my finger on the table, a way to inform Xavier people were walking our way.

He catches on talking about some random video game as he waits for them to pass. A server bot places the food on our table before  walking away. And we were clear.

"You're right, maybe one if us has to stay- Oh! Just use the X-comm and I'll shut down the cameras." I nodded as our makeshift plan came into place.

The rest of the day went by pretty slowly as we were anxious for our "mission" After the last bell, me and Xavier were walking slowly, far away from the rest of the students reviewing our plan.

"And remember, I'll contact you on the X-comm when its time. When I had ship review I made sure they were all fuled up and unlocked so it shouldn't matter which one you choose." I nod again, listening intently.

"And Y/n." He grabs my shoulders looking at me seriously. "No unnecessary risk. We are in this together, got it?"

"Ugh what's with everyone lecturing me today, I understand." He smiles before waving as he goes home. Me doing the same thing.

"I'm home!" I hear my grandma yell a greeting and I hear nothing from my mom as usual since she was always working even when she didn't have to. Grabbing a snack and heading to my room I change clothes then do my homework as I eat snack waiting for night to come.

I ended up calling Xavier out of anxiousness and he answered immediately. "Lemme guess, you wanna know what to pack?"

"No....alright yes, I just want to be prepared! Is that a bad thing!?!" I can just picture his stupid smug smile as he laughs at me.

"Honestly just bring the X-comm and I'm gonna stop by for y-bot and give it an upgrade. So see ya in a bit!" Before I could even answer he hangs up, and a few seconds later I hear my door bell.

"How'd you get here so fast?" I ask making way for him as he steps in. "I was actually on my way over, I'm really excited! Oh yeah and hi grandma!" She gives Xavier a hello as she was used to him, calling her that, we're childhood friends after all.

Xavier picks up y-bot and begins working on it as I pace around the room letting time pass and before I knew it.

"Alright, y-bot can now roam around in daylight without overheating and it now has a combat mode much like the disassembly drones. Also, it is heavier than before with all the pieces so you might not be able to carry it, and I still dont have a voice box so it still speaks in little beeps."

Y-bot beeps around happily as I smile. "That's fine, its special like this. Thanks." He nods then checks his phone. "I gotta go, I'll call you on the X-comm when it's time so be ready." I follow him down as I lock the door behind him.

Putting y-bot on the charger and doing everything like I would on a normal night I get into bed. My grandma walks in. "You're sleeping early."

"Yeah, I have a headache, probably from working on y-bot all day." I smile at her hiding my clothing under the covers. "Alright, I'll let you rest then. Goodnight Y/n."

"G'night grandma."
800 words

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