Betty x Sweet Pea

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"I'm gonna get a drink" I mumbled as I got up and walked out of our room.

I know I should probably be handling this situation a lot better but I don't know what to do. We're teenagers, living a somewhat normal life and then now, out of nowhere, he has a kid.

I walked into the kitchen where Fp was placing the dishes into the dishwasher. He turned to me as I pulled out a bottle of water from the fridge.

"You okay?" He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Not much I can do about the situation. Do you know what's going on?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

"I can only assume that an ex he hasn't spoken to in years has a kid" he said.

"You're a grandad" I smirked as I sat on the kitchen bench.

"Not surprised he'd be the first one to give me a grandkid. Kid is stupid and reckless and doesn't think before he does anything" he said as he closed the washer door.

"He is stupid" I said making him smirk.

"Bloody hate kids" Fp said making me laugh.

"What made you decide to have two?" I smirked.

"An ex wife I wanted to shut up" he said making my jaw drop.

"That's horrible Fp" I said and he chuckled as he shrugged his shoulders.

"They're good when they reach 16" he said and I chuckled.

"So Sweet Pea has been good for 3 years?" I chuckled.

"Honestly, no. Still don't like him" I frowned at him.

"Kidding, he's become bearable since being with you" I smirked as I jumped off the bench.

"Good to know" I smirked making him grin as I walked back to our room.

Sweet Pea was laying in bed under the covers. It was late by now and I'm sure he could use the rest.

I got into bed besides him but slept close to the edge. As much as I want to say this won't change anything between Sweet Pea and I it absolutely will. No matter what he decides, at the end of the day he still has a child. I'm not the only significant person in his life anymore. He has another family he'll love.

I wish he wasn't so himself. He's reckless, just like Fp had said. He has always done whatever he wanted and now he's going to have to deal with the consequences.

Unlike usual, we didn't cuddle or talk before we went to sleep. It felt weird and uncomfortable.

Sweet Pea POV:

I wasn't able to fall asleep. There was just so much on my mind that I couldn't deal with.

I have a fucking kid for gods sake. Being a dad has never been something I wanted, let alone at my age. I have no interest in being a dad but now that I have a kid, I could never just abandon him.

I can also feel myself slowly losing the love of my life. In passing she's mentioned that she really doesn't like kids and isn't planning on having any.

My past mistakes are coming back to ruin the best thing to ever happen to me.

I can see the disappointment and hurt in her eyes. I know she really isn't happy with me right now. I wish I wasn't so stupid. My relationship with Betty is one of the very few things that I can be proud of and now I'm not sure how much longer she'll deal with me.

I rolled over so I could face her. She was snuggling into the blankets as she would usually with my body. Her face looked a lot more peaceful then it did earlier. I know she won't say it but I know she's not happy about me having a kid. I can't blame her either. If I found out she had a kid I'd probably lose my shit. The idea of sharing her attention with another person or people really isn't something I could entertain. She's mine and only mine and that's how I want it to stay.

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