Breathe - Sayaka x Makoto (short)

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Non-despair AU - Request

Makoto smiled to himself as he watched Sayaka. Their entire class had been invited to one of her performances, and he could feel himself falling more and more in love with her by the minute. He'd never actually had the chance to see her perform in person before, and it was hard to look away.

It wasn't just because she was pretty, either. When Sayaka danced, she had this incredible energy to her that was nearly impossible to ignore. And her voice... Makoto had never heard anyone sing the way she did.

Was he biased? Probably. But that didn't matter. He didn't care.

All too soon, the show came to an end, and the class went to meet Sayaka backstage. Makoto felt a familiar knot in his stomach. He felt it every time he tried to talk to Sayaka. A deep-seated anxiety that constantly reminded him that he wasn't good enough for her.


Her voice snapped him back to reality. He'd complete zoned out, and the class had left him behind.

"S-Sayaka? Sorry, I... I got distracted."

She laughed softly. "I figured as much. I sent the others to meet the rest of the band so I could come and find you. Did you enjoy the show?"

He nodded. "You were amazing..."

"Aww, thanks!" She grinned, but it disappeared quickly. "Makoto? You've got something on your mind, I can tell."

"Oh... um... It's nothing."

"Great! If it's nothing, then you should have no problem telling me."

"Ah-" Damn it. Damn it damn it damn it. He was stuck.

"It's okay. I'm teasing. You don't have to tell me."

He took a slow breath. Wasit really worth all these nerves? Maybe it was better if he just-

"But I had something I wanted to tell you." Sayaka continued.

"Oh... what is it?"

Without warning, Sayaka leaned in close and kissed his cheek. Makoto felt like his heart might explode.

"I like you a lot, Makoto," Sayaka said quietly.

"I-I-I... um... I-"

She giggled. "Breathe. Take your time."

"...Sayaka, I think I love you." He blurted, and his face immediately went red. "I mean... um...

Sayaka giggled. "You're adorable. I love you too. Now come on, let's catch up with the others."

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