2016: Friday, Part Three

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2016, DAY ONE
Friday, August 13, 2016 6:30 PM

Over the next few hours, Taehyun and Soobin do their best to avoid Soobin's father like the plague.

Soobin spends some time speaking with Namjoon in Korean, browsing the Bangtan arts exhibit. While they live on separate coasts -- Namjoon in Los Angeles and Soobin in New York -- they both come from startlingly similar situations. The difference is that Namjoon's parents, while upper class, are a bit more understanding regarding his...deviance. "I'm still using all of my business skills here," Namjoon says, "just...not in the way they always like. They've always preferred that I promote a business in finance, not the arts. But it's something."

Soobin lowers his voice, even though he's speaking in Korean and his boyfriend is more distracted by the art anyway. "Have you gone back to Korea to do your service yet?"

"Oh, I got it done before I went to university, actually. My father helped with that. He ensured that my spot in school was held until my time was completed."

"Is it really as bad as they say?"

Namjoon shrugs. "Eh. I feel more grown up, I suppose, because I've been through it. Some of my brothers won't ever complete it, since they're American citizens, but there's one or two who will have to go back eventually." He shakes his head. "I don't want to think about them being separated like that, but that's the reality. And when it's done, we'll all be together in L.A. again."

Soobin nods. If it were only that simple.

"My father," he blurts out, desperate for advice, "wants me to go home, back to Korea, with him after this. He's not approving of my deviance or homosexuality. What would you do?"

Namjoon thinks for a minute. Even though Soobin has just met him, there seems to be a wisdom in his eyes, beyond his years. Then, "Are you coming back here after?"

Soobin doesn't look at Namjoon. "I don't know. It depends on what my father does. He likes to manipulate things. I could see him getting me a job right after, and then I would be locked in for the rest of my life."

"Is Taehyun-ah okay with that?"

Soobin pauses. "No, probably not." He bites back a tear or two. "He's sick. I -- I can't leave him here, without me, I don't want to."

Namjoon nods. "Then you have your answer, don't you?" He pats Soobin on the back. "It's not always popular to take the road less traveled. But I can sense between the two of you something that is meant to last a lifetime. They always say to honor the family, but when you're queer, you have to choose your own family. And it seems you've chosen well." It makes Soobin think not only of Taehyun, but of his parents, and how kind and understanding Roger and Melinda have been through this entire process.

It doesn't solve everything. But it does make Soobin feel more secure.

He doesn't see his father across the lawn, and he presumes that he's gone back to the hotel to read a newspaper or make a business call. So he hangs out with Taehyun, wanders the exhibits at the Bangtan area, then both go back to the trailer for some cards and a nap for Taehyun. It's odd not having Yeonjun here, and it hurts not having Waeng here yet; thankfully they'll be in tomorrow. Soobin texts Beomgyu while Taehyun takes his mandatory mid-day nap; all is good on tour, according to Beomgyu.

At 5 PM sharp, Melinda collects them from the trailer, and she walks them over to the food tent. Soobin's father is still nowhere to be seen, so they eat in peace. Then, Soobin and Taehyun run back to the trailer and both change. Taehyun thankfully packed some extra clothes Soobin had left at the house, so while Soobin doesn't have cargo shorts, he does have Levi's. He pairs that with a black t-shirt from WOIH and notices Taehyun has got a matching shirt. Great. Now they're officially that Korean couple with matching outfits.

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