2014: Saturday, Part Three

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2014, DAY TWO
Saturday, August 16, 2014 3:04 PM

Yeonjun checks his watch. "You have to go on. We can't wait any longer."

"Aw, man," Kai groans as he looks over the side of the stage for the eighth time. Even though it's still blazing hot at NeoNara -- the staff at the tent were saying it was over ninety degrees Fahrenheit -- the All Access audience is full. Turned out having their song remixed and on a commercial was nothing but good news for the band. Beomgyu had been "stoked" about it, and he and Shelly had already met with at least two other concert promoters. It was looking more and more like Beomgyu was gonna make good on his promise to Kai: that he was gonna have to put his collegiate career on hold while they toured across America, playing at every venue and festival they could.

And normally it would have excited Kai to no end. But all Kai cared about at this moment were two things: his brand new boyfriend, and getting Taehyun Rhodes to break up with his girlfriend. And Taehyun wasn't here to do the latter.

"Junnie." Kai takes Yeonjun's shoulders. "I know you want to watch, but --"

"It's okay. I was actually about to ask you for permission to go find him --"

"You don't need to ask my permission! I just --"

"I know." Yeonjun looks into Kai's eyes. "I had wanted this to be our first concert together. Me, watching you, my beautiful, wonderful, amazing boyfriend on stage for the first time. I mean, I've seen Waeng, I'm familiar with your work, but this is the first time I have a boyfriend in Waeng. But we both know Taehyun is more important. And you have to play, and Soobin is no help right now."

"Go get his boyfriend." Kai pats Yeonjun on the shoulders. "I'll be fine. I'll play, and I'll see you in the crowd later, because you're gonna bring him here."

"And if I do, I'll bring him around to the side so we can continue with the plan."

There goes the Traditional Kai Squeal again. "Great! I love it!" Kai kisses Yeonjun's face. "I love you. Now, go be awesome!" And with that, he rejoins Beomgyu and Shelly, and the three of them ascend to the All Access Stage.

The crowd goes wild as Yeonjun watches Kai go. This still hurts, but he has a job to do. "I love you too, baby," he whispers, and then, he is off.

He sprints away from the All Access stage, towards the staffing tent. A boy no older than sixteen with a security shirt on is standing there idly. "Yo, hey, um -- what's your name?" Yeonjun calls out, waving.

The boy looks up. "Dayton. How can I help you?"

"You know Chris and Timmy, right? I need to get a hold of them. Can I borrow your radio?"

Dayton nods, handing the microphone part of the side-pack radio to Yeonjun. "It should be on the right channel. Things have been pretty quiet. Is something the matter?"

"Oh, I talked with them about this earlier, they're just doing me a favor." Yeonjun pushes the button. "Chris, Timmy, come in, this is Daniel Choi." He waits a second, then, "Hey, Chris, Timmy!"

"Give us a second," Timmy's voice comes over the radio. "We got a drug bust in the campgrounds. Feds are here and everything."

"Oh, that sounds like fun." Then, Yeonjun pauses. "When you get a chance, can you meet me at RV number 774? It's what we talked about earlier."

"I'll go," Chris's voice comes over the intercom. Chris and Timmy are brothers and work security at nearly every event in the Capital region. "Daniel, meet you there in 5."

"Gotcha." Yeonjun hands the microphone back to Dayton. "Thanks, man." And he bolts across the tent, through the vendors, and then down the long line of RVs. 774 is light years away from where Taehyun was last year, and Yeonjun figures Mayumi probably booked that RV spot on purpose.

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