2015: Friday, Part Two

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2015, DAY ONE
Friday, August 14, 2015 1:14 PM

Soobin is about to leave the RV when his phone rings.

It's such an odd occurrence: he's had his Blackberry for the past two years, which has never had service in Albany. But Soobin and Yeonjun now share the same AT&T family plan, and with it comes a brand new iPhone 6. So it's odd to be this connected away from the city. He looks down at the phone number and doesn't recognize it; Yeonjun has told him that, in American culture, if you don't recognize the phone number, you don't pick up and you let it go to voicemail. Then you listen to the voicemail and you decide if you want to call them back or not.

So he does that, and he takes Taehyun's hand, and they leave the RV behind and return to their sacred blue hour.

NeoNara is beautiful this year, and has pulled out all the stops to embrace its diversity and what makes it quirky. Every corner is covered with balloons, streamers, and water-resistant posters. The two wander through the food vendors on their way to check-in, and Soobin recognizes at least three food trucks that weren't here last year. What's more, in between the food trucks and the check-in booth is an eclectic mix of goods vendors. The Iroquois vendor that has always been on site has expanded their booth this year, and it is twice the size as normal.

"We should buy a dreamcatcher from them," Taehyun says.

"Aren't dreamcatchers cultural appropriation?" Soobin is doing his best to learn what that means.

"It's not appropriation if it's made by the culture that it represents. If you buy a dreamcatcher from the Dominican Dollar Store, that's appropriation. But if it's bought from a Native American who created it according to the customs of their own culture, then it's accepted. It's actually really important to do that, because from what I've heard, Native cultures are often poor and lower class. The more authentic dreamcatchers we buy, the more money we make."

"Oh." Soobin smiles at Taehyun. "Perhaps we should buy one, then? And ask them where we should hang it?"

"Sure. We can ask my parents if they would like to purchase one, too."

Next to the Iroquois vendors are other vendors from around the Capital area. Artists are showing off their paintings and sculptures. A booth on the end has princess hats and magic wands, in addition to fancy glowsticks for the late night crowd. Window companies and plumbing services run giveaways, hoping to get some new customers from their advertising. Taehyun stops at a boosters booth from his high school, and the moms running it agree to come to his show tomorrow.

"You're just getting fans left and right," Soobin says with a smile.

They make their way to the check-in tent, which has a short line. Taehyun recognizes the artist in front of him; it's Lora Mumford, the lead singer of Halyx, who will be performing tomorrow at Sperry. They shake hands and trade autographs, and then Taehyun is up. This year, attendees finally get a wristband that is red-colored if they are under 21, and green if they are over. Artists still get badges so they can ditch them during their sets.

"Can I still take him into the food tent?" Taehyun asks Jessa.

Jessa thinks for a minute. "We're really not supposed to, but I think it'll be okay as long as you two are together. We don't want regular attendees hoarding all of the food meant for artists and VIPs. Let me check with Jennie." She calls Jennie on her walkie, and they converse about it.

"Let's set a +1 per badge limit," Jennie says, her tinny voice coming out of the walkie.

"That makes sense," Taehyun says, and then he frowns. "Wait. I was gonna get ice cream with my mom."

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