They had never discussed their marriage. Had only slipped into a new pattern of avoiding one another, each wallowing in their own pain and misery. She drummed her fingers on her knee, wondering if perhaps that was where they needed to start. But then, did she want to open that can of worms? There could be no excuse for his actions and hearing him try to make them would surely only cause more pain.

Not much later, they arrived at their destination: the ball of Lord and Lady Hartfield. Their daughter, Lady Mary, was a friend of Rain's. Unlike her husband, she had plenty of them. They were assisted out of the carriage and shown inside. As a footman announced them, many an eye took in their appearance, noting Rain's hand on Marcus's arm. You could almost see the rumour mill shuddering to a start as the whispered comments began.

After having been the most popular of the unmarried young ladies two Seasons in a row, Rain was used to having everyone's eyes on her. Marcus less so, and she could sense how tense he was through his stiff movements as he navigated them through the room. Taking pity on him, she nodded towards the refreshment table.

"Why don't you get us some punch?"

He nodded, and with a quick bow, he disappeared. Barely the blink of an eye passed before Rain was surrounded by Lady Mary Kinson and Miss Olivia Newton, two of her closest friends.

"So is this a thing, then?" Mary asked, as her eyes followed Marcus's retreating form. "Have you two reconciled?"

Rain shook her head. "Not exactly. It's complicated."

"It always is with the two of you." Olivia grinned. A cousin to Rain's brother-in-law, they had got along splendidly as they came out during the same Season two years ago. This was now Olivia's third, and she was still unmarried. Most likely because she had an unfortunate attachment to Marcus's younger brother. One which was not reciprocated.

"I'm surprised to see you tonight," Rain said. "I thought you were at the Kilkenny house party."

"Oh." Olivia's grey eyes avoided hers. "Everyone would have returned yesterday, but I admittedly left a day early. John kindly took me back in his carriage as he had business to attend to in London and had to leave."

John Osborne, another dear friend. Who was deeply in love with Olivia. Not that she noticed, since she was too caught up in her unrequited love for Dash. It was all quite the mess, really.

"It surprised me to see Winterbourne back at your home a few days ago," Olivia said, obviously not wishing to dwell on the Kilkenny party. "But to actually see him accompany you to a ball? I think you must satisfy our curiosity."

Mary gasped. "Winterbourne is back in the house? Living there?"

"For now. His set at the Albany is being renovated." She wasn't sure she believed him on that account but wasn't willing to share the suspicion with her friends.

"How did you convince him to go to a ball?" Olivia smiled. "I do not think I have seen him at a single event during the Season since your marriage."

Rain nodded. "He is not fond of the social scene."

"You didn't answer the question," Mary chided. "How did you get him to come tonight? Blackmail?"

It might have been a joke, but it hit a little too close to home. She forced a laugh. "It will remain my secret."

"Oh, that is not fair!" Mary laughed but quieted as a dark shadow loomed over them.

Turning around, Rain smiled at her husband, who had returned with a drink in each hand. His steps faltered as he approached the group of young women, but he nodded his greeting, his face remaining as impassive as ever.

Much Ado About Kissing (Howertys #4)Where stories live. Discover now