Once I heard sirens I ran my ass up out of there. First stop was Ari's shop because I asked her an easy ass question.

My phone went off and I looked down. Facebook hoes. I clicked on the message

Madison: young please tell Ari to talk to me ! I miss her

Madison: young please tell Ari to talk to me ! I miss her

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Madison and Ari look alike to me. You can definitely tell they related. Creed got the next best thing so she better fallback off my bitch and the next time it'll be my bullet touching her

Me: bitch fuck you

If we being honest I don't like nobody in Ari's personal life. Her mama, daddy, sister, and friends. They could all die and I would do it but I do not have time for Ari to be doing all that crying. She's so emotional

I walked in the shop like I owned the place and Ari rolled her eyes at me doing some girl's hair. Tae gave me a look I couldn't read but I took it negative so I flicked him off "yo"

She looked at me and didn't say anything. Strike one. I sat down in a chair and pulled my phone out. I wasn't gone stop her money. I looked down at my knuckles. Bruised.

Time went by and some loud ass bitch walked in with a nigga. "You fucked my man" she yell in Taes face

"Huh" Tae ask

"You fucking heard me" she yell pushing him

"Hold on bitch" Ari say coming from around her chair, what the fuck she gone do?

"Bitch" the girl scoff

The guy that came with the bitch looked at her "cousin am I whooping his ass or what"

"Yes" she yell. Swear if this bitch yell again

The nigga hit Tae without warning and they started fighting. I ain't think Tae had it in him. "Kay" I scrunched my face up

"What" I look at Ari

"Break this shit up" last I checked when I asked to be security she told me no. I didn't move but when I saw her get closer to the fight I got up. Just can't have them accidentally hit her and then this little fight gone turn to a murder scene

I grabbed the nigga and pulled him off and he tried fighting me but I simply pulled my gun out. "Listen you take this bitch and just leave"

"Oh so when we turn our backs you shoot us" I ain't ever shot a Nigga in his back. I don't get down like that.

"Nope" I say "I don't even like this Nigga to risk my freedom. Believe me if this was the streets I'll put a band fah you to drop him. Actually let's go outside"

"Katorah" Ari scream making me look at her. She's pissed. I don't give a fuck, I haven't done anything, yet.

"Ight" I say watching them leave

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