My mom called my phone and I answered. "Katorah" she was crying so hard. My mind instantly went to Kayleigh. Kayleigh told me to stay out of it but I promise if my mama tell me to handle it I'm putting that nigga on a shirt

"Yo" I answer switching lanes. We was about to drop this pack off so we can get paid. She started stuttering "did that nigga hit you" cause he can go on a shirt too

"Kayleigh! She's in the hospital" this is what I didn't want

"Why you telling me" I wasn't gone do nothing that nobody ask me to do because I'm not in the mood for somebody to be mad about my actions

"For you to come to the hospital. They said the- just get here please" what the fuck did they expect? A Nigga beating on you that shit is only going to put you in the hospital and then in the ground. We all know that

"Ight text me the information and I'll be on my way" I say

"Okay" and I hung up putting my phone in the cup holder. This is why I been looking for him just to shake him up a little.

First we got to this trap and I looked at Essence "this shit look sketchy"

"Exactly what I'm over here thinking" I don't know why I ain't try to reach out to Essence years ago. We both knew about each other but never knew each other. Like I knew I had another relative but I was like 'fuck that bitch' cause I thought Michael was giving her this princess ass life. "Should we avoid it or what"

"Where's the fun in that" she reach for her strap making me smile.

"Essence you a real ass bitch" she started laughing. Finally got somebody in my life that can have a good time just as much as me. I handle my business solo, damn near always. It's cool to have somebody that got my back.

We got out the car and made our way to to the back door with the bag. I really hope they on some shady shit so I can kill somebody. It's been forever.

Essence knocked and somebody opened. A big buff ass Nigga "Essence" he smile at her

She looked annoyed "hi"

"You've been M.I.A." She smacked her lips

"I'm not here for all that" my sister is a hoe

"You fuck niggas? How disgusting" I say

"Shut the fuck up" Essence push me "wheres King"

"He inside" homeboy step aside "you gone call me later"

"Nah she ain't" I push her inside "get yo fast ass in here"

"Stop pushing me" Essence push me

"Keep your hands to yourself" I slap her arm

She punched me in the shoulder "keep your hands to yourself ugly ass nigga"

"Ugly? Bitch you ugly" I push her

We started fighting and ended up on the ground rolling around. Cussing each other out and throwing punches

We stopped and she pushed me "and I was gone buy you some tacos"

"Oh you still is cause I drove" I say and picked the bag up

"Watch me not" Essence say

The meeting went well sadly. I did kill the nigga Essence fucked because he was just doing too much for me. Wanting to walk us to the car and shit.

"Now we're going to the hospital" I say

"Everything cool" Essence ask

"My dumb ass sister let her dumb ass boyfriend beat her ass and now she in the hospital" I say

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