V X Reader

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      Y/N P.O.V

I was with Uzi, N and V after the battle of defeating J to protect the worker drones from her. Uzi was enjoying the sunrise while sitting on top of a car. I was just keeping an eye on V since she was tied up to keep her restrain her. N went up to Uzi to see what she was doing till I slowly started to get close to V to get to know her a bit. (Y/N): "H-hey I'm Y/n. Sorry if you stuck like this." V smiled softly at me till I smiled back at her since the conversation was going very well that I expected. (V): "Its nice to meet you and your fine since every time I try to kill. I still feel nothing." she starts to blink with one eye that she was going insane that it made me feel uncomfortable that she doesn't feel any emotion. I was slowly trying to get to know her a while till we can figure out next plan is to do but I was more focus on V. Then the thing is that I have this weird feeling going on in my stomach that felt good and weird at the same time.  What I learned from her is that she is a sociopathic murder drone that always carries a sadistic nature, whenever she's going off on a killing spree. And what I know what she can't feel a single emotion coming from what's it like to kill others. Like J she looks down on N to a point where she even sees him as invisible, though she can apparently remember his name, but only when he led them to Uzi's colony. There was a lot to take in to know V that makes me have more of the feeling that I'm not controlling myself of these feelings. 

 After a bit, Uzi and N were sleeping when it was dark time as I slowly started to wake up feeling a claw on my leg. I started to look on my leg seeing V as I was about to scream but she covered her mouth so I wouldn't wake up the other. She giggled softly for some reason thinking that it was cute that I was freaking out of her being out. (V): "Be quiet or you'll get us caught." I moved her hand to uncover my mouth so I can speak softly to ask her what she was doing out of her. Then out of nowhere she started to carry me in a bridal style that made me almost scared till she uses her wings to fly out of the room. I was holding her tightly because of me being afraid of heights or she would drop me that will kill me. (V): "I wanted to show you this." I slowly opened my eyes to see the stars glowing with the moon and planet shining in the sky that was so beautiful. She smiled softly that I was falling in love with the beautiful sky that was shining thinking it was amazing to see. (Y/n): "It looks amazing.." Then she started to give me a piggy back ride to fly around the city making me feel not afraid of heights anymore. But the most important that I'm not afraid is that I'm starting to think I'm falling in love with V. 

We both got down on the ground to make sure Uzi and N weren't awake yet so V and I can enjoy a few moments together. We both blushed a little bit and in my mind that she is feeling some emotion from me. (V): "This is weird that I'm feeling this one emotion about you." I smiled softly knowing what emotion it was that I slowly kissed her on the cheek telling her of what emotion that she is feeling.  She started to feel the emotion more of what I did then me thinking its adorable when she blushes. But then she started to kiss me on the lips that made me blush even more red. I accepted the kiss and it lasted a minute that we got some air till we both got shy at each other from what just happened. The one thing that we will never forget is the moment that she felt her first emotion that was falling in love with someone. 

Requested by: YEETMANCOOL335

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