20. Bonus Chapter - The Exhibition

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"Brett..! Eddy..!"

Eddy was first to hear the voice out of the duo and cast his eyes down from the stage where he sat next to his deskie Brett with the rest of the first violins. They had just finished their concert performance. The first performance of the Youth Orchestra for the year. Eddy tapped Brett on his arm as he stood up.

"Mr Hicks..!"

Eddy walked towards the edge of the stage and Brett quickly followed.

"Sir, you came to listen to the performance? Thank you so much..!"

The two boys quickly descended the stage staircase to meet their art instructor.

"Hello, boys. It's so nice to see you again. I really enjoyed the performance. Eddy, I'm so pleased I got to see you with a violin in your hands."

Eddy smiled.

"Thank you so much, sir."

"Knowing how you had your arm in a sling for weeks.. and the very little movement you had for quite a while.. it was very moving to see you play..."

Eddy quickly blinked as he stammered.

"Th..thank you, sir.. I'm really glad to be back to performing.."

"Truly inspirational, boys. There is something so beautiful about seeing people in their element, doing what they love doing."

Brett and Eddy both shifted uncomfortably as they blushed. Mr Hicks let out a cheeky grin.

"Seeing your performance made this old geezer wanna show how much passion I still have about my own art. I better get on with my projects too. Your performance has most certainly inspired me."

"..What are you planning to do, Mr Hicks?"

Mr Hicks let out another cheeky grin and winked. It was an expression neither Brett nor Eddy had ever seen on their art instructor whilst they attended art school.

"I'll send you some information when I'm ready. That's a promise from an artist to an artist."

In between sips of his bubble tea, Brett asked;

"So what do you think Mr Hicks has in mind, Eddy?"

Eddy removed the thick straw from his lips and replied;

"I honestly have no idea, Brett. But he did seem to have really liked the orchestral performance.. it seemed to have inspired him to do some additional artwork. It's exciting to think that our performance had such an effect on him."

"Well, you certainly had inspired him, Eddy. I mean, who wouldn't hearing your story?  I'd recogn you'd be a frickin' cold-blooded reptile if you weren't."

Eddy blushed and jabbed his straw through the ice cubes of his drink in order to get to the stray bubbles that got mixed up with the ice cubes and tea.


"..Brett. Hi. Are you okay to talk?"

"Yeah. Just finished dinner and trying to finish my homework.. Hey, Eddy, is everything alright?"

"Yeah. I just got a text from Mr Hicks."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. His exhibition is in a couple of weeks.. on a Sunday."

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