7. Left hand - held

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His left hand went out of focus as tears welled up in his eyes. Eddy quickly wiped his tears with his sleeve and looked at his left hand again. The movements were very, very subtle. But it was a movement that Eddy was executing and commanding his fingers to do and they were responding. It was not some random tremor as he had initially thought. For Eddy, going from zero movements to this ever so slight controlled movement was epic.


Monday, Eddy was back in art class. The students stood in front of their easels while their art teacher talked about light sources and shadows. Eddy thought it was an interesting topic, however, looking at the sketch of shadows their teacher made as a demonstration, Eddy felt there was no way he could replicate such a difficult technique.

Suddenly Eddy could've sworn he just "felt" something and looked around. When he turned to his left, a bit too close for comfort, he saw Brett standing right next to him, wide eyed and stunned.

Eddy hissed curtly.

"What do you want Brett."

He instantly regretted sounding so mean.

Brett didn't seem to mind. In fact he seemed more concerned about something else.

"Eddy? ...You.. you don't feel it?"

Intrigued, Eddy actually replied sincerely;

"..I actually thought I felt something but I wasn't sure what it was."

Brett blushed.

"...Look at your left hand, Eddy."

Eddy looked down where his left hand should be, in its sling. Except it wasn't there. Eddy widened his eyes in surprise.

"What the.. where did my arm go?!"

"..a bit more to your left Eddy."


Eddy cast his eyes towards his left. His sling had come undone and had fallen to the floor by his feet. His left arm was dangling along his side and the back of his left hand was held in Brett's hand.

"I hope you don't mind Eddy, saw your arm fall out your sling and I caught your hand before it smacked into my easel."

"Oh.. um.. thanks."

Hey Eddy, did you know that you've got movement in your fingers?"

Eddy gave a little smile.

"Yeah.. I noticed it at home on Saturday."

Brett smiled.

"That's..that's so great Eddy. Congratulations. I'm so happy for you."

"It's.. it's only a little bit of movement.."

"But it's a great start, isn't it? Isn't it huge to go from no movement to some?"

It's huge to go from no movement to some.

Eddy stared at Brett, fascinated as Brett had basically said the same thing as what Eddy had thought 2 days ago at home.

From zero movement to this ever so slight movement was epic.

Though the words were different, they brought up the same hopeful and optimistic feeling.

"So what did your doctor say, Eddy?"

"I'm not due for an appointment till another week or so.. but I have been given exercises to do as soon as I get any movement. They're tedious and frustrating to do but I'll keep at it."

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