14. Portraits III

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Eddy knew he was in a completely different headspace and mindset from where he was on his first day at art school. He was one miserable soul that day and it baffled him that Brett had the tolerance to.. well, tolerate him.

"I'm sorry I was such a brat when we first met Brett."

"You were going through a really tough time. I can't blame you."

"Thanks. Still. I regret being so rude to you when we first met."

"It's okay Eddy. I'm just glad you're getting better now. Both physically and mentally. I'm so proud of how you've stuck with your exercise routine to get all that mobility and strength back in your fingers. And.. you look much happier now."

"Yeah. I am. Thanks to you."

"..What? Oh, yeah, you mean the exercises, you're welcome."

"Not just the exercises Brett. Thank you for everything."


"Okay.. I'm finished.. Hey, no peaking Brett!"

"Oh my god Eddy, I swear, I have not peaked!"

"You better have not Brett! I.. I'm not ready for you to see this yet."

"What ? So you're not finished yet, then."

"I am! But.. I dunno, I just want the instructor to see it first and tell me if it's any good before you see it."

"Eddy, you don't need the teacher's approval to decide if a piece is good or not."

Eddy scoffed.

"Oh c'mon Brett. Would you say the same thing if I wanted to ask my violin teacher whether I played a piece well?"

Brett furrowed his brows and bit his lower lip.

"Hmm.. I suppose you kinda got me there. But.. I'm sure your artwork would be very good. You're such a perfectionist Eddy."

Eddy anxiously bit his lip.

"I hope so. I.. kinda think it doesn't look like anything I've drawn before.. in a good way.  I'm kinda excited about what the instructor may say."

"Hmm. I'm.. intrigued. I can't wait to see it myself."

"So Brett, will you be okay without me.. as in can you finish up your piece without me as a model?"

"Um, yeah. If you want to go and show the instructor your work, go ahead."

"Alright. See you in a bit."


"Eddy. Have you finished already?"

"Yes. It felt like I didn't have to hesitate and stumble along to finish this. I felt like I knew a bit better of what I was doing"

"That's great. So, may I have a look at it?"

Eddy bit his lower lip, then turned over his sketchbook and handed it over to the teacher's hands at the page of the portrait of Brett.

"Oh my goodness, Eddy".

Brett's eyes widened when he saw the art instructor exclaim upon seeing Eddy's sketchbook.

"Oh my goodness, Eddy." ??

Is that good ? Is that bad?

"This is..."

This is what? Good? Bad?

The instructor smiled and looked up at Eddy who was awkwardly standing in front of him. Eddy shuffled his feet and fidgeted. The instructor said something else which Brett could not hear and Eddy mumbled softly something back which again Brett could not pick up. The instructor let out another smile and said something and this time Brett could not help notice that Eddy had gone bright red.


Eddy then became very animated while he enthusiastically started to explain something to the art teacher. The teacher was listening intently, smiling ear to ear and nodding. He finally said something to Eddy and the next moment Eddy's nervous grimace turned into the warmest and happiest looking smile. His eyes were twinkling with delight, slightly moistened by tears. Eddy then let out an awkward chuckle and groan as the teacher flipped back a bunch of pages of his sketchbook. He must be checking out the first portrait. Brett saw Eddy's eyes widen. The instructor said something, then flipped back the bunch of pages of the sketchbook back to the portrait Eddy did today. Eddy let out a smile and nodded.

Eddy returned to his seat next to Brett's.

"..How'd you go, Eddy?"

Eddy replied breezily;

"Oh, it went alright."

"Alright? Is that it? It looked a bit more dramatic than just alright from where I was watching you two??"

Eddy blushed.

"It.. went.. alright."

"Ooookay..? So.. can I have a look at it?"

"Um.. no, not yet. Maybe you should go and show the instructor your work first..?"

"Um.. yeah? Alright. I've just finished so I might just do that. Then we show each other, yeah?"

"...Yeah. Okay."

"Sir. I finished, would you mind having a look at my work please?"

"Oh Brett, hello, you've finished very early too. Was it easier than the first time?"

"Actually... it's interesting that you've said that. Yes, it was."

"Why do you think that was the case?"

"Um.. I think it's because I already have an impression of the model? I sort of knew what I wanted to capture about this person in my artwork."

The instructor smiled.

"And.. what exactly did you try to capture in our artwork?"


Brett replied thoughtfully.

"I think.. I wanted to capture.. the strength and determination of this person. And the almost contrasting vulnerability.. or the childlike way they are."

The instructor smiled.

"That's a very deep analysis. Did you get to know Eddy quite well over the 4 weeks of art school, Brett?"

"Um.. yeah, I think I did."

"Okay, I can't wait to see your work. Are you ready to show me?"


Brett furrowed his brows, then turned over his sketchbook and handed it over to the teacher's hands at the page of the portrait of Eddy.

"Oh my, Brett, this is.."

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