16. Portraits V

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Seeing Brett blush bright red whilst showing his artwork to the art instructor made Eddy feel nervous. He sensed that Brett was reliving what Eddy had experienced just beforehand as he had gone to show his artwork to the instructor first.

Eddy was almost certain the instructor had said something similar or possibly used the same words when he spoke to Eddy 20 minutes ago. And to learn that Brett gave the same response to the instructor's words, as in to blush to a ridiculous shade of red, made Eddy want to run out of the room and hide somewhere.

As a result, Eddy did sneak out of the classroom with his sketchbook, too embarrassed now to show Brett the portrait he had drawn and painted. He felt it was most definitely the best piece of artwork he had done at this art school, in fact, his best piece of artwork he had EVER done and he was actually very proud of it. His thoughts and emotions he put into the arrangement, the colours and the way he captured the characteristics of the model in his artwork were expressed almost exactly the way he wanted.

It was like when his emotions were moved by music – for the first time Eddy felt emotionally stirred from a piece of artwork and what was most surprising was it was his own piece. Eddy never thought he had it in him to stir up so much emotion from his own piece of artwork. He was deeply moved and proud of himself, but consequently, sharing his work, especially with Brett had suddenly become very daunting and frightening.

Meanwhile, Brett felt rather emotionally drained and vulnerable after speaking with the art instructor. It was definitely a positive experience but it emotionally exposed him and therefore took a lot out of him. Exhausted, Brett staggered back to where his seat was next to Eddy's. He then furrowed his brows as Eddy's stool was empty and his sketchbook was gone. Brett wondered where on earth could Eddy have gone but he was feeling quite flustered and emotional himself and wanted some time to calm down before he showed his portrait to Eddy anyway.

Brett quickly sought permission to excuse himself to go find and check on Eddy and so he left the room with his sketchbook in hand. He walked two doors down and through the small glass panel on the door of the empty art room, he saw Eddy sitting at the exact table where the two had sat when they investigated Eddy's left hand when he had got his feeling in his index finger back for the first time. Eddy had his head resting on the desk, on top of his sketchbook. Brett gently tapped on the door.

Through the glass panel of the door, he saw Eddy lift his face up from his desk. Their eyes met through the glass panel.

Eddy squeaked.

"Hi, Brett."

Brett opened the door.

"Are you okay? Can I come in?"

"Um.. yeah, of course."

Brett stepped into the art room, closed the door and sat across Eddy.

"Hey, this is where we sat to confirm you could feel me squeeze your left index finger, Eddy."


"..Eddy, is everything okay?"

"Yeah.. I guess I've just been trying to psyche myself up to show you my portrait"

Brett grinned.

"InTeReStIng. How did it go when you showed the instructor?"

"It was... iNtErEsTiNg Brett."

"Yeah, it was, wasn't it."

"To be honest Brett, I didn't think artwork could move people to the extent that music could. And this was a piece that I created only after a month of being at art school.."

"Oh my god, Eddy, yes!! That's exactly what I thought!! And I've been playing the violin for..7, 8 years? And this was only my second bloody portrait after 4 weeks of art lessons..!"

"Yeah, I know, Brett. It's a bit surreal, isn't it? In fact, it's messed me up a bit..."

Brett smiled.

"So, Eddy, are you ready to show me your artwork? I'd really like to see it."

"Me? Why don't you show me yours first?"

Brett bit his lower lip.

"Um... scissors paper rock?"

"Oookay? Sciiiiiiiiiiiiiiisors paaaaaaaper rock!!"


Brett clenched his fist and swung it around till his eyes rested on Eddy who looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"Oh my god, Eddy, are you alright?"

Eddy didn't answer.

"Look, Eddy, it's fine. I'll go first then. Would that be okay?"

Eddy shook his head.

"No, you won. I.. I'll go.. first.."

Brett gazed at Eddy.

"Eddy, I won. I choose to go first."

Eddy stammered;

"Well, perhaps we could show each other's sketchbook at the same time? What do you think?"

Brett bit his lower lip.

"Eddy, I actually want to see your reaction when you see my artwork. So I'm okay with going first."

"..Okay. Got it. Let's do this then. And.. thank you."

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