S I X - Silver Band Of Hope

335 19 74

Driving to Salim's house was one of the longest trips of my life.

It seemed that the more I sat in silence, watching the road and landscape rush by in a blur of colours; the more empty and scared I felt.

I was being forced to go back to the Marines

I might not survive long enough to see Salim again in six months time.

And CENTCOM were using my relationship as a means of blackmail.

I was probably going to die, I had no say in the matter, and I was about to ruin Salim's life.


I pulled into Salim's driveway, noting that I was forty minutes late.


Do I ease into it, and then deliver this bombshell at the end of the evening? Or do I just get straight to the point and tell him that, Dipshit Eric, came knocking?!

Oh shit. I hope Salim hadn't made any dinner reservations that I missed...

I hesitantly made my way up to the door, with a million thoughts running through my head, all at once.

I took a deep breath, then walked into Salim's house, hanging my jacket on the coat hook.

The house smelt of something deliciously rich and sweet, while the house had an inviting warmth to it.

"Hello?" I called out, making my presence known, in the rather silent house. I began taking my shoes off, as footsteps were heard, then suddenly, there was Salim, standing in the foyer; dressed in dark blue jeans, and a tidy button-up shirt.

"Sorry I'm late." I apologised, as Salim pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "It's fine, babe." he grinned from ear-to-ear, as he pulled away from me.

Salim grabbed ahold of my hand, and pulled me into the kitchen. "Close your eyes for a second!" Salim ordered, and I chose to obey. Huh, looked like that's all I had been doing today.

About twenty seconds ticked by, before Salim told me to open my eyes, and when I did, I was greeted with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers!

The flowers were tucked inside many different layers of pretty pattern paper and cellophane, and had a purple ribbon keeping it all together.

Attached to the ribbon, was a little card that read, "Thank you for six amazing months! Here's to many more♡ I love you! –S."

I couldn't name all the flowers and greenery used, but it was gorgeous.

"Happy Six-Month Anniversary!" Salim cheered, as tears welled up in my eyes. This was going to be a lot harder than previously expected.

"These are lovely! Thank you!" I said, placing a soft, gentle kiss to Salim's lips.

I handed him his gift, which was tucked inside of a plain brown, cardboard box.

Salim went to go open his gift, but I suggested he open it later on.

He looked a little confused, but he agreed to open the gift later.

As much as I wanted him to open up his gift, see the spice rack, and drop down onto one knee; I knew that wasn't possible now. It wouldn't be for at least six months.

I didn't want to be around when he opened it.

Salim announced that he had chosen a 'stay-in' dinner option to celebrate the special day, which meant that he had cooked. It was bound to be delicious!

Enemies to Lovers {Jason X Salim} Where stories live. Discover now