T H R E E - Crimson

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Authors note: This chapter will be a little shorter than the others (about 4000 words), but I'll be updating again tomorrow, as well.

Also °°° indicates a flash back is happening.


"Hey!" Zain greeted, as he appeared in the waiting room, a cardboard tray in hand, with three paper cups.

"I got your favourite. Medium roast, no milk, and two sugars, right?" Zain announced, as he handed me one of the cardboard cups. I took it gratefully, "Thanks!"

"I wasn't sure what Jason liked, so I just got him the same as you, but with almond milk." he shrugged, placing the tray on the ground, by my seat.

Zain took the empty spot next to me, picking up an old lifestyle magazine from off of a nearby table. He flipped it over in his hands, examining the front and back of it, before deciding he wasn't the slightest bit interested, and stuck it back on the table.

"What's going on in there? It's been three hours!" Zain pointed out, looking at his watch. I let out a rather dry, exhausted chuckle. "I'd say he's giving them a rather hard time in there. He shouted some rather colorful profanities the minute they started checking the wound for glass shards." I explained, and even Zain couldn't help but let out a little laugh at the thought of Jason running around the Doctors Surgery, telling them to stay away from him, as he's practically bleeding out on the floor.

Jason was very one way, or another. He'd either be the type that hates getting tended to because he hates being stitched up; or he'd be the type to try to take over and do it himself.

How he became a Marine, was beyond me.

"He'll be alright, though?" Zain asked curiously, a hint of concern laced his tone.

I nodded my head. "Military training is a lot worse than a cut hand. He'll be just fine." I replied, taking a mouthful of my much needed, hot brew.

For a few moments, neither of us talked. It was somewhat peaceful, despite the constant sounds of machinery humming, people chatting in the waiting room, and nurses walking back and forth, fetching patients every so often.

"He's an interesting guy." Zain began, not taking his gaze off of the wall in front of us. "I see why you like him." Zain finished, a mischievous grin on his face.

"WHAT? N-no! What are you talking about?!" I snapped. Had the room suddenly gotten very hot? Because I was sweating, and my heart was beating rather rapidly.

"I already told you earlier, Zain-there's nothing going on between us." I explained, in a hushed tone. Zain rolled his eyes, as he straightened up.

"Dad, when was the last time you were happy? Not because of me, but because of someone else? After Mom left us, when was the last time you felt truly happy with someone who you saw in a romantic light?." Zain asked the complicated questions, and for a moment, I didn't have an answer.

And then I did.


I struggled to climb up the rocky cliff side, as loose debris fell left, right, and centre. I had slipped multiple times; accidentally grasping ahold of some rather sharp, jagged rocks. My hands were covered in cuts and grazes. Warm blood, was starting to trickle down my fingertips, making the rocks all the more slippery to grab onto.

The caves below us, rumbled loudly, as it began crumbling in on itself.

I was exhausted.

My legs were trembling, and I was very very dehydrated. I hadn't ate anything, or slept a wink, in well over twenty-four hours. I knew I wouldn't be able to go much longer.

Enemies to Lovers {Jason X Salim} Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant