F O U R - Coffee Date

498 25 58

This chapter is dedicated to Jaina_Ken0bi for the support they showed on this book when it was just starting out! It really motivated me to keep writing! ❤️

"I love you, Jason. Always have. Always will." Salim had said, staring into my eyes, with his chocolate brown orbs.

Our hands were still interlocked, and my heart was threatening to burst through my ribcage at any given moment.

This wasn't happening, right?
I was imagining this whole scenario inside of my head...?

I was panicking, yet I didn't know why.

I love, Salim!

Hearing him admit his feelings for me, was magical. I felt as though I was walking on cloud nine.

Yet, here I was, frozen to the spot; unable to speak.

What was wrong with me?!

Salim began to tensen up, as the concern on his face, continued to grow more and more.

'Just say something, Jason! Anything!' I was practically screaming at myself, but it was as if though I had lost all ability to speak.

I wasn't good at admitting my feelings to myself, let alone out loud.

Growing up in a Catholic family, meant having rather strict parents, who believed that there was no such thing as gay, or lesbian relationships.

The church I was forced to attend as a kid, was always supportive and accepting of everyone who entered through the doors; but my families opinions always out–shone everyone else's.

My Father was strongly homophobic.

I was caught holding a boys hand at primary school, and the teacher called my parents about it.

My father, was absolutely pissed, as to be expected. I still remember the beating I got that night, and the two month grounding after that.

The teachers didn't even bat an eyelid, when I showed up to school covered in bruises from head-to-toe.

My mother was brought up to believe that it was wrong to date the same gender, as she was also from a strongly opinionated, Catholic family.

Thing is, I wasn't gay. Even at a young age, I knew that.

I had always been attracted to both men and women, and I had dated a couple women and men over the years. My longest relationship was to a man named, Josh. We dated for two years, but we broke up back when I was twenty-eight.
He wanted to settle down and adopt kids, but I didn't. I wasn't ready.

As a kid, had tried talking to the local Pastor about my situation at home, and my feelings towards being bisexual. He was very kind.—but unfortunately, my mother came looking for me, and overheard some of the conversation...

I hadn't spoken to either of my parents in ten years now...

Salim let go of my hand, and the sudden emptiness and cold, immediately returned. "Are you going to say anything?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

'Just grow a pair of balls, and tell him how you feel!' I thought to myself, as I finally snapped from my rather bizarre, drug induced trance.

"I lo–"


Hey, you two!" Nick greeted, as the outside door swung open, revealing my best friend (who I was going to personally kill later on).

Enemies to Lovers {Jason X Salim} Where stories live. Discover now