Crossover Part 3-Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

V: Can you stop?

Me: What did I do?

V: Your heart is beating very loud.

Me: Sorry then. –she said sarcastically.

V: Take a few deep breaths and relax, so that I can try to find them.

Me: We'll have a word later.

I sighed and started calming down. After a while, I noticed that her expression darkened.

Me: What's happening?

V: I can only hear one person's heartbeat.

Me: Do you know whose it is?

V: I think it is Barry's.

Then I started thinking that Mon-El could possibly be dead and Vanessa said

V: I don't think he killed him; he's just on a different planet.

Me: Thank you.

Some time passed and we found Barry. He was floating in a space and he couldn't get away. I took my boots off, made my wings appear and went to him. We didn't exchange a word, just opened a portal and went back.

Brainy came to us and told us that he found Music Meister. Vanessa saw that I wasn't doing okay, so she asked Cisco to try and find Mon-El, while we are with Music Meister.

We opened a portal and landed in a very strange place that was really colorful. After a while, Music Meister appeared.

MM: How did you find me?

Me: You aren't the only one with tricks up their sleeves.

V: Tell us how to beat Mxyzptlk.

MM: You have to make him say his name out loud in reverse. Then he will disappear and return in his dimension.

V: Why did you say that we had to make up with the guys in order to get back from where you sent us?

MM: Because they're your destiny.

Me: That may be, but what they did was heavy.

MM: Then why are you thinking about him right now? Or should I mention the fact that you sacrificed your lives for them?

V: Okay, you may be right, but it's too early for everything to be back to normal.

Me: Especially after everything we've been through.

With no more talking, we headed back to the D.E.O. Cisco announced that he found Mon-El's location and we headed there immediately. Once we went through the portal, I was shocked. This can't be happening...

V: What happened? You look like you've seen a ghost.

Me: This planet is called Drill. This is where I saw my father for the last time. We have to be careful.

She started tracking Mon-El, and as we were moving forward, I stopped her.

Me: I know exactly where he has Mon-El.

She followed me and we ended up in front of my old house.

Me: This was my house, when we lived in this planet.

We entered the house and saw Mon-El. After we freed him, we opened a portal, he went in first and before Vanessa and I got the chance to go through, somebody entered the house. She made a sonic cry and they fell to the ground. We went through the portal quickly and closed it behind us.

Alex checked on Barry and Mon-El; now we have to find Mxyzptlk. Cisco and Brainy were trying to locate him and the rest were just waiting. They didn't manage to find anything.

Me: I have a plan, but I don't think you're going to like it.

V: I think I understand what you mean.

C: You want to tell us too?

Me: I decided to accept his preposition.

V: So do I. If you please, leave us alone.

C: No, I won't let you.

Me: It's my decision to make.

With a few more objections, they left the room and let us alone.

Me: Are you ready?

V: Yes.

Me: Mxyzptlk, we want to be your wives.

He appeared in front of us. I immobilized him by creating roots and Vanessa with her powers she made him say his name in reverse. He disappeared.

V: How long do you think we should be mad at them?

Me: I don't know, but as long as possible. We make a good team, right? Team Kanessa? Vayla?

V: We should work on that.

Me: I agree.

Everyone entered the room. We said our goodbyes, Cisco opened a portal and they returned to their city.

When I Joined Team Super! (English Edition) -UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now