Chapter 32 | Forward and Back

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This chapter didn't quite end up taking me where I expected it to, but here we are, and I guess I will make it work. I ended up writing more on the end, which is why it was a day late sorry!

Hope you enjoy it!
Love Daisy x


Chapter 32 | Forward and Back


'A wolf
in sheep's clothing,
is a wolf

- Anon



Hidden behind a curtain, Iris tried in vain to steady her breathing. She swallowed and attempted to recall the feeling he had described to her- but it was more difficult than she had imagined. Struggling, she squeezed her eyes shut in the hopes it would help, but her efforts were only proved all the more futile as a voice sounded from above her suddenly, making her jump.

"Did you even listen to anything that I said?" The deep voice asked lazily.

Iris peeled back the curtain to find Darius leaning on the wall beside her. She scowled at him. His expression was stoic, but there was a slight gleam in his grey-blue eyes that told her he was enjoying her failure.

"It's harder than I thought it would be," Iris grumbled petulantly. "I don't understand the feeling you described."

Darius pushed himself away from the wall.


"Even if I do it again, I don't know how to change from last time," Iris protested. "Weren't you supposed to be teaching?"

He turned towards her, one eyebrow raised. "You are giving up?"

"I didn't say that" she bit back. Whirling around, she stormed off to find another place to hide.


No more than two minutes later, he found her again.

"You should know, physically concealing yourself doesn't actually help," he said, and this time- there was definite traces of amusement in his voice.

"Well, it helps me," Iris snapped back. "I hope you realise that the failure of the student is a reflection of the teacher."

Darius bent down till he was at her eye level and Iris shrank back self-consciously. "And I hope you realise that that is exactly what a child would say." He stated, studying her for a moment longer before pulling away. "Again." He ordered, "and this time, don't hide. Sit over there." He pointed at the window seat opposite the dining table.

Trying not to drag her feet, Iris moved over to the window seat and plonked herself down, pulling her knees to her chest. She watched as Darius paced up and down the length of the dining table, staring straight ahead as he spoke.

"You are trying too hard. You need to forget the idea of absolute concealment and focus on withdrawing your presence into yourself. Isolate what makes you a presence in the room and remove it."

Iris studied him subtly as he spoke. His usually intimidating demeanour was still there, but since successfully avoiding Ezekiel in the library, he had loosened slightly. It was a barely perceivable change, but still- Iris noticed. She wondered if she had truly been the topic of the meeting he had been avoiding- and if so- what had been so horrible about it to put him in such a bad mood.

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