Chapter 23 | Hidden Threat

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Hello lovely people,

I hope you have all been well! Firstly, I apologize for updating so late. I had an assessment due, and then got very busy with work on the lead up to my holiday, and then I went on holiday (just a short one) and when I arrived back at home, New Zealand was in the middle of moving to Level 4 Lockdown (yay), so I've been a little bit distracted these last few days. 

(NZ is in Level 4 until next Tuesday, as we have had one confirmed case of Delta in the community, which sent us to lockdown on Tuesday 17th, but even with that, there are still 31 cases confirmed to date - which is pretty crazy! None in the South Island yet, so fingers crossed <3) 

In terms of writing news, I am uploading this Chapter now, followed by one tomorrow, and one on Sunday, to make up for my lack of writing chapters on time over the past few weeks. I hope you will enjoy them! 

Lots of love,
Daisy x


Chapter 23 | Hidden Threat


'The Earth is littered with 
the ruins of Empires that believed
they were
e t e r n a l.'

- Camille Paglia



On the day that Arlo decided they would go to Lunex, the weather was bright and sunny. It was more cheerful than Iris's current mood – she had been unable to find a chance to speak to Darius since he had escorted her back from Aelin. What was worse, was that she had heard from Gabriel that Darius was preparing to leave soon as well – to attend a wedding that would join the Kingdoms of Air and Water together.

Such a union as the one between a Siren and an Air Sprite, had never occurred before in history, and what made it all the more significant, was that both Bride and Groom were Royalty of the highest order.

"The God of the West Wind fell for the devastating beauty of the Water Kingdom's Queen a long time ago," Balthazar had laughed when she had asked him about it. "But they haven't been able to marry until recently. Not just because such a union was opposed, but up until just over a year ago, his Highness, Zephyr Ascian, was actually missing."

"Missing?" Iris had asked in astonishment.

"He disappeared while trying to hunt down the biggest criminal of our time," Balthazar had said – rather nonchalantly, Iris thought. "Until recently he was held prisoner at a hidden location. His daughter rescued him though. Her and her ... crew." At the time, Iris had thought Balthazar's choice of words to be a little strange, but she had been dying to ask him more, so she hadn't really pondered on it for too long. Her tutor had different ideas however and had then proceeded to flap a hand at her and tell her it was a story for another time.

When Arlo had found her, Iris had been in the library, daydreaming about what a Kingdom under the ocean would be like. Was it all entirely underwater? It couldn't be – if Darius was attending the wedding as well, then that meant surely there were parts that existed above surface level. So then was it only partially submerged? In her mind, she pictured something like Aelin, except the black lake water would be clear and beautiful, with a plethora of ocean life swimming below. Such a sight surely must be incredible to witness.

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