19.The fate of the Broken

Start from the beginning

“I don’t know what you talking about it was just a spontaneous lunch rush"Keiji spoke innocently.

“Keiji that lie was shadier than Suga's coincidences.” Kei watched him through narrowed eyes. The other omega sipped his coffee looking away. 

Kei stared him down before Keiji sighed and put his coffee down. “Fine his looking for you"  kei froze. 

“Why?” he spared a glance to a curious hiro who glanced up at his mother while waiting his fries. 

Kwiji spared a glance at Hiro as well . “he has been professing his intentions of courting . . “ Kei's body went rigid.

I gave you up.

You chose her .

You cant just change your mind like that.

I’m better. 

I don’t need you.


I don’t need you..


I don’t need you...

Kei didn’t know he was shaking until hiro grabbed his hand. His eyes were glossed over . He looked at his son through blurry eyes. He smiled his son’s brows were furrowed. 

“Mommy?” he questioned softly.comcern lacing his voice.

Kei picked up his son and held him close. He didn’t say anything he just held his son tightly Scenting him . The boy seemed content with all the attention. 

He looked at his furrowed gold eyes after he stopped scenting.

All I need is you.

He smiled at his son and he received a toothy grin tight back . He planted a kiss on his forehead. 

He looked at the older from across the table. His eyes were stuck on him. “we both aware that my feelings towards him has unfortunately remained constant , but right now Hiro is my priority and I don’t want any complications that might confuse my son.” Keiji knew it.

Kei ways made decisions based on his sons well being

Hiro comes first.

Was his motto.

his only motto.

Keiji knew as much as he loved Tetsu as long as Hiro took priority he would hide his true feelings.

He would sort out his feelings. It would just take him time. “I know you Kei , and I know you need time to sort out your thoughts ,I can buy you maybe a few days before he looses it. Take that time to actually think it through.” Kei nodded at the male before he stood up.

They finished up their lunch and headed back to their temporary apartment. Hiro was content with just colouring and Kei appreciated the moment of silence . He sat on the sofa with the book he started yesterday. But he wasn’t really reading it.

His mind was miles away. His wanted Tetsu for so long.  He wanted all of him. But Tetsu didn’t want him so what changed. What made him decide that he wanted Kei. 

No matter how hard he tried. No matter how hard he wished to he could never forget him. 

Hiro filled up his life.

He was his coping mechanism.

But he couldn’t hold Kei together like Tetsu could. He could just make the broken parts bearable. Kei never denied how broken he was. 

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