"It was the first time I didn't have either of you hovering over my back. So yeah... I did enjoy it." I decided to be a smart ass before I looked away, knowing how much Louis hated it when I was sassy.

Louis remained silent as he looked at me, debating whether or not if he should say something back or harm me.

"You got a lot to learn." He said as his eyes stayed on my body.

"I've learned a lot from you." I commented as I scraped a stain on my shoe with my thumb.

"But manners isn't one of them." He replied as he reached his hand towards me.

I growled at him after he ran his hand through my hair, quickly slapping it away while he grinned.

"Your hair has gotten longer." He stated as his eyes were fixed on my hair.

"Yeah it does that overtime." I mumbled as I looked down.

"Do you still like the style? Or do you want to change it?" He asked as his hand remained dangerously close to me.

"I never liked the style, and I don't care for it anymore." I replied harshly, remembering how they forced this hairstyle upon me.

"Oh Jaylee... you never stop holding your grudges against us do you?" He asked as he ran his hand through my hair again.

"Will you ever leave me alone? Like ever?" I snapped as I moved to the side and looked at him with much hatred.

He looked at me for a while in silence, making me want to scream since I didn't know what he was thinking.

"Will you ever heal? You use to be so pure." He replied after a long time.

My eyes widened slightly as I looked into his eyes, taking what he said very personally.

You are the reason that's gone. How on earth can I heal after what you put me through?

"Maybe when you become better I can take you to get your hair done." Louis suggested as he turned on the car.

"Oh and finally change this ugly hairstyle?" I bit back as he chuckled.

"You always have a witty comeback don't you sweetheart? How about you give up like how you said you would." He commented as I kept my mouth shut.

"Oh let me help you with those!" Zayn immediately got off of his chair the second he saw Louis and I walk through the door.

"Oh- thank you." I replied softly as Zayn lifted the grocery bags out of my hands.

"You're back sooner than I expected." Zayn commented as he entered into the kitchen and started putting the food in the fridge.

Louis and I glanced at each other briefly before he left the room and walked down the hallway.

"Yeah.... We didn't have anything else to do." I spoke quietly as I rubbed my arm with my hand.

"Did something happen between you two?" Zayn questioned as he glanced over at me.

"No. I'm just exhausted." I replied shortly as I looked away.

"Exhausted from what?" He asked genuinely before we made eye contact.

"It was tough being in a grocery store for the first time in a while, especially under these circumstances." I said honestly as he looked sympathetic.

"Oh... I can't imagine how that must of been for you. Do you want to watch a movie? Maybe get the thought out of your head." Zayn mentioned.

"Maybe... you can start the movie and watch some of it while I go change. I might shower." I replied as he nodded his head.

"Okay.... Sounds good." He smiled as he continued to fill up the fridge.

I felt bad for lying to Zayn, but there was something itching in the back of my head that I needed to fix.

The whole car ride home I couldn't seem to get the thought of Louis bluffing out of my head. There could be a huge chance that he won't ever let my parents go, or worse.... he probably would just let them die without taking care of them.

Like... how the hell did he even get them there in the first place? And is he even going to continue to feed them? I haven't seen him leave to take care of them once since I've been here. Something just sounds so off.

I swallowed tightly as I looked up at Louis' door before I pushed it open, not caring much for his permission since I simply didn't need it. I glanced around the room looking for him, but as soon as I realized he was no where in sight, my eyebrows knitted in confusion.

He's probably showering. His clothes are neatly placed on the bed which is a sign that he is.

I then bit my lip as I fast walked over towards his nightstand, mentally jumping with glee once I saw what I was looking for. My hands suddenly grabbed the black device that he left behind before I clicked the button, watching as the screen lit up.

I narrowed my eyes as I tried to remember what his password was, knowing I've looked over my shoulder so many times just to see if I could catch Louis typing it.

I then typed what I thought it was- 6759, and waited patiently for it to unlock, but as soon as it shook I realized I was wrong.

Crap, I know those are the numbers, I just have it wrong. I only have 3 more tries. Come on Jaylee... think.

My shaky fingers hovered over the screen before I slowly typed 6975, watching as it shook once again.

"Damnit." I whispered as I tried so hard to think.

6579. My eyes grew wide once it unlocked, causing my heart to skip a beat against my chest. I got it right.

I didn't waste any time to search for the home camera app, desperate to see where my parents were and hope that they're still alive.

My heart rate increased as I went through all his apps, feeling anxious that I haven't found it just yet. My eyes then grew wide once I finally saw it, not hesitating at all to click on it. I started to bite my lip as it loaded quite slowly, making my foot tap impatiently against the floor.

Come on, come on. Oh- there we go. Finally.

I felt more at ease as the screen popped up on the phone, showing a black and white image of the kitchen. My eyes squinted at the screen as I began sliding it to the left, seeing multiple views of the house in different angles. There's the kitchen, the living room, the bedroom, the front door, the back yard, the front yard.... Geez how many cameras are there?

It didn't bother me as much knowing how Louis could literally see them in almost every part of the house he had for them, but what did, was the fact that I literally couldn't see them anywhere.

"Where are you guys?" I whispered to myself as I kept going back and forth at every camera angle, searching super hard to find any type of figure in the house. This place isn't even that big- how it is so impossible to spot them out?!

I began to feel anxious and overwhelmed as I realized they were no where inside the house. There's no way they could have escaped. Louis said there wasn't a single possibility. He had the place locked down and secured to the tee. So if that's the case.... Then..........

Where the hell are my parents?

Forever In Their World [Sequel]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz