Chapter Thirteen: Your Loyalty or Your Life

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When the trial reconvened the next morning, Asahi and Honoka arrived in the courtroom waiting, along with the rest of the gallery with the start of witnesses testifying against Danzo and his comrades. The first to testify was a doctor from Konohagakure who used to be Danzo's personal physician.

"Doctor Benjiro Sakai, you were the primary doctor for the defendant, Danzo Shimura," asked Phoenix, beginning his questioning. "Were you not?"

The elderly man looked at Phoenix and answered his question.

"Yes. I was the primary physician for Mayor Shimura," he answered. "For about five years even before his appointment to mayor of Konohagakure."

"And according to testimony, you were not only the primary care physician," continued Phoenix. "But were you also the one responsible for carrying out executions on those who were never given a trial?"

Doctor Benjiro turned away from Phoenix for a moment and took in a deep sigh to gather his thoughts.

"I didn't want to do it," he sighed. "But it was my job, and it was either their lives or mine."

"So it was," remarked Phoenix. "And it was also my belief that you tried to talk your way out of the position that you were in. Is that so?"

"Objection!" cried Manfred, rising from his seat, and looking directly at Judge Hanzo Tanaka. "This witness is not on trial!"

"But he is a witness nonetheless," countered Phoenix. "And his testimony is vital to the outcome of this trial."

"Objection sustained," answered Judge Hanzo Tanaka. "The witness will answer."

Following the judge's orders, Doctor Benjiro looked at Phoenix and returned to answer Phoenix's question. The elderly doctor took an enormous gulp at the thought of airing out such a touchy subject.

"It was about a few months back that I was put in the worst position of my life," explained Doctor Benjiro. "Danzo came to me with a request: to put to death a young man that had stolen a loaf of bread. When I saw the man that I was told to kill, I had a feeling that this man was poor and needed to feed his family. I couldn't bear myself to kill him and wanted to release him, but that was not the case."

Doctor Benjiro turned his attention away from Phoenix and briefly glanced over at Danzo, who made a slitting motion across his throat with his finger. He was frightened, even though his boss was in the docks. In fact, he couldn't help but think of what would happen if this evil mayor was acquitted of his crimes.

"Did you bring up the possibility of this young man's life to Danzo?" asked Phoenix, causing Doctor Benjiro to briefly turn away. "Please answer the question, Doctor."

"I did," answered Doctor Benjiro, looking towards Phoenix again. "He told me that I had no other choice because it was either his life or that I take his place."

Phoenix considered the matter and decided that there were no further questions that he needed to ask the doctor.

Taking his seat, Phoenix allowed Manfred to make his way up to the docks to question the witness.

"Your life or the life of the poor young man, Herr Sakai," remarked Manfred, sighing heavily. "Were you aware that you were working under the laws of Danzo and not the laws of Azura?"

"Yes, I was," answered Doctor Benjiro. "But how was I supposed to know, Herr von Karma? If I learned that Danzo was not going to follow the laws of Azura, I would never have been his personal doctor in the first place."

"Doctor, were you aware of a meeting with the defendant, Sasuke Uchiha, about three days before the capture of my clients conducted by the Royal Monarchs?" asked Manfred. "He came to you with a request, did he not?"

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