Chapter Ten: Arraigning the Defendants

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Asahi was exhausted when the sun rose the next morning. So much had happened in such a short time that it was almost unimaginable to comprehend. Nevertheless, a trial was about to take place that involved corrupted politicians who had reigned terror in a small town called Konohagakure.

"All right, listen up!" barked a guard as he and a team of guardsmen walked into the dungeons, waking Danzo Shimura and his captured comrades. "You are all to be arraigned this morning on the charges that are against you. Any attempt to escape will result in immediate death. Is that understood?"

"Why don't you just kill us now?" muttered Police Sergeant Otsutsuki. "This trial is nothing more than a sham to make us look like fools."

The guards ignored the remark and instead motioned for his comrades to bring the defendants out. However, only Danzo, Sasuke, and Toneri were taken out of the prison cells.

"You three are to have your trial in Kimon City," said the lead guard, pointing towards them. "The rest of you will be taken back to Konohagakure and a specially appointed tribunal will deal with all of you."

"Why do you send them back?" asked Danzo. "Aren't they going to stand on trial with us?"

"No," whispered the guard, leaning towards Danzo. "For security purposes, you and these two are going to be tried in front of the monarchs. In fact, you are all celebrities, in the wrong sense of the word. Take them to the courtroom!"

Shackling the three men together, the guards led Danzo, Sasuke, and Toneri like a chain gang up to the courtroom. As they were being led out of the dungeons, Manfred von Karma was waiting for his clients up at the top of the stairs. The defender of Danzo had a look on his face that seemed as if he had every reason to believe that he was not going to win this trial for his clients.

"Don't look like that, Herr von Karma," reassured Danzo. "We will win this trial like all the other times."

'If only that were possible,' thought Manfred as he watched his three shackled clients being led into the courtroom. Taking in a deep breath, Manfred walked into the courtroom where people from all over Azura were gathered.

Some were from Hot Dog Hills, some were from the Grandall Empire, but most were from Konohagakure. The people from Konohagakure were filled with anger and disbelief that these people once terrorized their town for their own benefit.

Meanwhile, Asahi walked down to the courtroom along with Honoka and met up with Phoenix Wright.

"Everybody seems very tense this morning," he said, bowing to the monarchs. "You could almost cut it with a sword."

"There is no reason to believe that tensions are high," added Honoka, as Phoenix got back up to his feet. "Danzo will do just about anything to get off something like this."

"He won't get off easily, Honoka," said Asahi, looking over towards his wife. "None of them will. This is why we will only prosecute Danzo, Sasuke, and Toneri. Not because of the fact that we are trying to create discrimination, but because of security purposes and the fact that we are trying not to let them get any ideas on escaping."

Phoenix took in what the couple has said and agreed with their statements. This was a trial that wasn't going to be easy to take on, but it needed to be done. However, despite the trial that was about to begin, there was something else that was plaguing the couple.

"What about Sakura?" asked Honoka. "Should we let her testify? I mean, aren't we testifying against Danzo?"

"I'm not sure, my dear," answered Asahi, lowering his head in deep thought. "Sakura has suffered enough at the hands of Sasuke. Don't you agree, Phoenix?"

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