Chapter Three: A Monster of Pure Evil

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The halls of the Hot Dog Hills General Hospital buzzed with the sounds of screams and shouts caused by doctors and nurses. But what had happened in Konohagakure had caused the screams to rise up even louder than normal. The sight of a man beaten within an inch of his life had caused a sense of fear and dread among the doctors and nurses.

"Who would even do something like this?" sighed a male doctor to a nurse as he walked out of the emergency room and removed a surgical mask from his face. "He should be lucky to the fact that he is even alive to begin with."

"He's the fourth case this week from Konohagakure," added the nurse. "But those were nothing but minor cuts and bruises. This poor soul, well, says that the royal couple are going to need to look into what is going on in Konohagakure. I, for one, think that the evil mayor who was elected should be removed from power."

The two medical staffs walked into the doctor's office and the doctor sat down behind his desk, sighing heavily at what he was up against. No sooner did he sit down did another scream ring out.

"Choji Akimichi! Please hang on! You've got a daughter who needs her daddy!"

"Make that the fifth from Konohagakure," groaned the doctor, rubbing his face against his hands. "Just what we need right now, another person to treat from being beaten. If only the emperor and empress could do something about this evil monster who is running Konohagakure."

"We can't worry about that right now, Doctor Tofu," said the nurse as she walked towards the door. "I've got to get over there to help out in the emergency room."

"Do what you have to do, Alice Tsukagami," remarked the doctor and the nurse left to help out in the emergency room.

At that moment, the man that the doctor had been working on was wheeled out of the emergency room and the doctor went out of the office to accompany the nurses moving the man.

"Put him in intensive care," he ordered the team of nurses. "And give him some morphine to try and keep the pain numb."

"Yes, doctor," acknowledged a nurse and they wheeled the man into the Intensive Care Unit, hooking him up to several IVs. As they did so, the man opened his eyes and weakly looked up at the doctor in a weak voice.

"Sakura? Sakura?" he whispered weakly. "Where is Sakura Uchiha?"

This caused the doctor to focus his attention on the injured man.

"Who is Sakura Uchiha?" asked the doctor.

"A friend and fellow supporter of a new Konohagakure," whispered the man. "She"

Before he could say another word, however, the man winced sharply in pain as several more doses of medication were injected into his body.

"We will try and notify your friend," said the doctor. "But right now, we need to worry about you."

At that moment, the sounds of commotion were heard and the doctor turned around to see both Emperor Asahi and Empress Honoka walked into the Intensive Care Unit. This caused the doctor to briefly bow to them.

"Is this the man from Konohagakure?" he asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty," answered the doctor, rising to his feet. "He's badly injured and won't be ready to talk to anyone for at least a few days. However, he keeps saying that he has a friend who needs to know where he is."

"Did he say who the name was?" asked Honoka.

"He keeps looking for a Sakura Uchiha," replied the doctor as he led the couple over to the patient, while the nurses bowed and backed away. "Says that she is a friend and fellow supporter of a so-called 'new Konohagakure.'"

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