Chapter Six: You Are Much Better Than This

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Sakura Uchiha had already been used to being in the sanctuary of Kimon Castle. In every sense of the word, she'd already decided that she would much rather be here than in the volatile relationship that she was forced to share with Sasuke. However, all she could think of was the well-being of the man that she was having feelings for. But her thinking was interrupted by the sounds of armored feet piercing across the floor.

"Emperor Asahi," gasped Sakura, upon seeing Asahi walking across the hall in his silver armor. " in heaven's name happened?"

"You have nothing to fear anymore, Sakura," answered Asahi, looking down at her. "The evil mayor of Konohagakure has been captured."

"How?!" cried Sakura, placing a hand on her face with a shocked expression. "How could you stop Danzo?"

Asahi just stood there and said nothing for a moment, reflecting on the fact that Danzo was a human that had a weakness despite his egotistical boasting.

"We just did," said Asahi, remaining steadfast. "Danzo is not who you think he is, milady. He is nothing more than a man who is a mere shadow of whom he claims to be. You no longer have any reason to fear Danzo or his powers."

"What will you do with him?" asked Sakura.

"For the time being, he is being held in the dungeons of Kimon Castle," answered Asahi, draping a hand over Sakura. "As of this moment, he is being charged for crimes against Azura. He and his foolish followers, including Sasuke."

Sakura gasped at the news that her husband was captured. In her mind, she didn't know whether she should be sympathetic or glad that he was now being treated like a caged animal.

"You no longer have reason to fear him, Sakura," soothed Asahi as he led Sakura back into her chambers. "He will never harm you again. Honoka and myself will make certain of that."

"I'm grateful, Emperor Asahi," remarked Sakura hastily while feeling very torn. "Really, I am. It's just that...Sasuke is...he's my husband and...part of me wants to be supportive of him. What can I do, Emperor Asahi? What can I do?"

Asahi was worried about Sakura's well-being and began to think that she needed to call upon someone who had the power to provide Sakura with love and support.

"There is something you can do for your own benefit," suggested Asahi. "You can start your life over again, Sakura. Yes, I am aware that we have only met each other for a short time, but I can see that you are a stronger woman than you say you are. We can help you get back on your feet, but you need to help yourself."

"I know what you are saying, Emperor Asahi," agreed Sakura as she sat down on the edge of her guest bed, her body trembling with fear. "It's just that...there's...two sides of me that are...fighting it out over whether I should rebuild my life or...go back to being the wife of Konohagakure's Deputy Mayor. I'm scared, Emperor Asahi. Scared of what is going to happen to me."

Sighing in sympathy, Asahi began to think of a way to try and help this embittered woman who had been beaten down so severely. Then he knew that there was one person who knew about mending relationships more than anyone.

"There is someone I know who can help you in your situation," said Asahi. "My friend, Princess Barbara Millicent Roberts of the Grandall Empire."

"The Grandall Princess?" wondered Sakura, with her eyes widened in shock and confusion. "What does she have to do with me?"

"She is not just the Grandall Princess," replied Asahi. "She is also the princess of love, responsible for spreading love throughout Azura. One of her special talents is to either mend the love between two people or help one person find love for another. In fact, it was the love that she shared with her husband, Prince Ken Carson, that defeated Maleficent and her army when they attacked Kimon City during the Royal Wedding."

Sakura was still not totally convinced that a Princess like Barbie could help a person like her. In fact, Sakura thought that how could a woman who ruled over an entire empire with her husband at her side help her find true romance. To her, it just didn't seem possible.

"Well, I, I'm flattered," she stuttered. "Really, I am. But if you say that I should leave Sasuke..."

"You do need to leave him, Sakura," interrupted Asahi, placing an armored hand on Sakura's shoulder. "You are stronger than what you say you are and I can truthfully say that you deserve better. Much better."

Sakura continued sitting on the edge of her bed, contemplating what Emperor Asahi had told her as Asahi got up and walked towards the door of the guest chambers, completely exhausted from the events in Konohagakure and the heavy silver armor that he was wearing was already starting to get him down.

"Wait," called Sakura, stopping Asahi in his tracks. "If I can make a request in regards to Sasuke, can it be that he just spends the rest of his life in the Isle of the Lost?"

"That's not up to me, Sakura, nor up to my wife," said Asahi, walking back towards Sakura. "That will be left up to the selection of people who will be the jury deciding both the fate of your soon-to-be ex-husband, his leader, and all of the false people who claimed to protect the people of Konohagakure. Right now, now you have a journey of your own to undertake and that is starting your life over."

Sakura considered what Asahi had said and realized that perhaps, maybe perhaps, she should cut Sasuke off for good. After all, she couldn't simply judge Asahi for talking out of pure wisdom and heart. She had to understand that this was a man who had taken her in when there were others who were calling for her to be killed in such a horrendous manner.

"You're right, Emperor Asahi," said Sakura. "If you say that I am going to be starting my life over, I guess that I need to start now, don't I?"

"You do, milady," replied Asahi. "You can even restart your life in Kimon City and then return to Konohagakure once the corruption that Danzo has caused has gone away completely."

Once he had said this, Asahi left Sakura alone and returned to his chambers, removing the heavy armor and allowing himself to let his body be free once again. But Asahi didn't have time to rest because he was already focused on getting a scroll out to his friend in the Grandall Empire.

"Dear Princess Barbie,

I have a woman that Honoka and I had saved from a dangerous mob staying here in Kimon City. She is a woman from Konohagakure who is seeking a better life for herself. Her husband is the Deputy Mayor and has no soul nor heart for her well-being. I believe that you should take this woman under your wing and help her find a man who will love her for who she really is.

Come soon,
Emperor Asahi Yoshida."

Using his magic, Asahi sent the scroll up the chimney of his fireplace and once it was gone, all he could do was wait for Princess Barbie to reply.

Down in the dungeons, Danzo Shimura and Sasuke Uchiha were thrown into a cell not far from Police Sergeant Toneri Otsutsuki and his disgraced troops. Even though the situation was grim for them all, Danzo refused to believe that this was the end. He had an idea that could help him and his inner circle get out of this situation.

"Do not despair, my friends!" he cried, trying to stay upbeat and positive. "My head lawyer is coming and he will find us a way to get back to our way of life."

"If he can find a way to help us," growled Sasuke, who kicked at the walls of the prison with his right leg in a fit of rage. "I swear that once I get out of this, I will finish what I started with that skank Sakura. She will wish that she never have betrayed me for that man, that man who turned against me."

"And she will pay dearly," reassured Danzo. "Along with the Royal Monarchs who have robbed us of our freedom and have taken us away from the people we oversee. Once we are freed from our bonds, we will finish what we started and no one, not even the Guardians of Harmony, will be able to stop us!"

But Danzo had no idea of the degrading trial that he and his comrades were about to undertake. As for Sasuke, he had no idea of the shame that Sakura was going to throw down on him thanks to the planned intervention that Princess Barbie would eventually cause by helping Sakura.

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