Chapter 11: The Vault of Fear

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"Have you ever heard of casing a joint?"

Tulip, Tonks and Artemis were discussing their plan to sneak into the library during Transfiguration class. They spoke in hushed tones, the hoots of the owls they were supposed to be turning into opera glasses masking their conversation.

"Casing what joint?" Artemis asked.

"Basically, one of us goes on a preliminary visit to the library, gets an idea of what's what before we go in for real," Tulip explained. "Obviously, Artemis, that's going to be your job. What with your, well... newly acquired skills."

Artemis nodded. Ever since her birthday, when she had completed the ritual to become an Animagus, she had been practising turning into a cat for fun in the dormitory, much to the disgust of Fergus. So far, she had mainly used her Animagus form to entertain herself by hiding under Tonks' bed and swiping at her ankles when she woke up in the mornings, so it would be a welcome change to use the skill more productively.

"Right," she said, "so I sneak past Pince, take a look around and see if I can find the entrance?"


"And what do we do in the meantime?" Tonks asked. "Twiddle our thumbs?"

"Well, I intend to have another search of Artemis' brother's room. See if there are any more black quills," said Tulip, stroking her owl's beak with her forefinger. "Tonks, we are going to need a way to keep Madam Pince off our scent whilst we go into the Vault. Reckon you can come up with something?"

"Is Dumbledore really, really old?" Tonks laughed. "Of course I can. Talking of Dumbledore, he hasn't been around the castle in ages, has he?"

"Hagrid said something about him looking for a Curse-Breaker at the beginning of the year," said Artemis. "He probably just hasn't found him yet."

"What does he need a Curse-Breaker for?" Tonks grinned. "He already has us."

Professor McGonagall walked past them, and Artemis quickly transfigured her owl into a pair of ornate opera glasses, earning her a small smile from the Transfiguration Professor.

"She's impressed by that, wait 'til she finds out-"

"Shut up, Tonks," Artemis hissed. "She isn't going to find out unless you go opening your big mouth."

"Alright, alright. There's no need to be catty."

Artemis stole into the library after classes finished for the day. It was rather busy, mainly filled with fifth years revising for their O.W.L.s. Artemis gave a smile of recognition and a wave to Bill, who narrowed his eyes at her in suspicion, before she hid behind a bookcase to transform into her cat form.

Cat-Artemis padded silently through the library in the direction of the Restricted Section. She wound around the bookcases and passed under the tables where the fifth years were revising, brushing against Bill's left ankle as she walked by him. Her Animagus form was an excellent disguise; even Bill didn't recognise her.  

The Restricted Section was separated from the rest of the library by a pair of gated doors. Crouched low to the ground, Artemis watched and waited for Madam Pince to turn her back to her before she sprang up and over the gate, landing on the opposite side, front paws first.

The books in the Restricted Section were larger and dustier than the ones in the main part of the library. Rowan would have a field day in here, Artemis thought to herself as she twitched her whiskers. The majority of the books looked like they hadn't been touched in years, other than one open open tome on a stand in the centre of the Restricted Section.

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