Chapter Seven: "Retrofitium Elcos, et Mutatio Chronologiae"

Start from the beginning

PT-72 teared up as he's being soothed by his sister, while Laffey read the note that Javelin received from Monowai. Javelin seemed worried that Ayanami didn't want to be friends with the others within Azur Lane as she looked at Laffey, while the latter read the note. Laffey's eyes widened a little as the note reads the following:

"I have discovered something terrible within the Sakura Empire, and it ate me apart as I tried to find someone whom I can trust. I just hope that you can understand that, from what I heard, only Kaga and Akagi are the ones responsible, and are the ones who are leading a project called.... Project Orochi..."

Laffey: "Project... Orochi?" 

Javelin: "!" She took another look at the note that she's given before she looked in front of her.
Mind: "Monowai... That is the reason why you're worried? I'm sorry that you discovered something regarding Kaga and Akagi... I hope that this act will relief you of your burdens..."

[Timeskip brought to you by the Omni-cron Research Team looking into three blueprints of Production PT Boats, wondering if they can be allowed to see the Elco Siblings]

When everyone retrieved Edinburgh, Sheffield and Akashi, they went back to Pearl Harbor in order to get some shut-eye. Back at Enterprise's dorm, the Carrier is asleep for a bit after some needed rest after the talk about being soft-hearted and being human back at the rendezvous mission, before she woke up by the sunlight reaching her face as she saw Belfast. Pandora is back at her dorm now that it's cleaned up from the dust, turns out someone was trying to do a prank on her and it backfired, so much so that the dust was insurmountable.

Belfast: "Good morning, Enterprise."

The carrier started to get her coat on as she gets herself ready, with Belfast telling her that breakfast is ready as she held her admiral's cap.

Belfast: "Breakfast is ready." (She was holding onto Enterprise's cap before she gave it to her)

Enterprise: After putting her cap on, she looked at her desk that was holding onto her MREs, before shaking her head left-to-right, and telling her that it's better to eat at the Mess Hall. "Let's eat at the Mess Hall."

[Location: Mess Hall Interior]

Several Ship-people, mostly Ship-girls are seen inside the Mess Hall, mostly talking about girl-things like... *ahem* ...their underwear, or maybe some other topics that are just casual. Although a few are telling them to keep quiet on their conversations because of the Ship-boys that are eating here too, so they don't get any ideas, even if it wasn't intentional, especially when it comes to a secret, like the message regarding a new package that must've arrived for a certain pair of siblings.

Enterprise is seen at the counter with the Battleship, USS Nevada, who's currently stacking her plate with food that's a little more than necessary so their stomachs are filled.

???: "You still have those weird panties?"

???: "Shh! You know the boys are here too, right?"

???: "Sorry...."

Enterprise: She asked Nevada regarding the amount of food that's on her plate. It was kinda large. "Isn't that too much?"

Nevada: "Don't be modest. I owe you one for helping Oklahoma. Just showing my thanks." (She gave a smile regarding Enterprise's assistance to her sister Oklahoma)

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