Chapter 2

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Pia's Pov

Another day stuck in this hell hole. Well it's not really a hell hole, it's the people around here that make it one. I haven't even been here for an hour but I would really appreciate it if mommy could come get me already. I don't know why she's so obsessed with me "building my confidence". Like who am I building it for?

The worst part of this job is having parents who expect you to look after their babies or toddlers while they sit around glued to their phones. I'm not even gonna start with the hormonal teenagers who come here acting immature and reading books way beyond their years. I've learnt not to complain too much, I can read all I want, well that's if Alisa doesn't give me too much of a hard time.

Alisa is my annoying colleague, we're around the same age group. She'll always find something to pick on, which got us into a big argument last time. Let's just say she got a chipped tooth, I got a blue eye and in a lot of trouble with mommy after she had to pick me up early. I was suspended for the rest of the day, nothing too hectic. Alisa did get any form of punishment because I attacked first. Don't judge me, I'm better at using my hands than my words. Alisa still comes to give me trouble but I don't pay her too much attention.

My day goes by and nothing eventful happens thankfully. I spent most of my time reading in the children's section. A group of second graders came by and I had to read to them. One of them asked me why I wasn't in school like the rest of them. When I tried to tell her I'm an adult she went on about how I'm flat chested unlike her "big sister". I'm glad the teacher stepped in because I didn't know how to respond to that.

Alisa comes over probably trying to stir some shit. "Do you mind shelving the books in the kids section. The kids left some of them out." I don't know why she wants me to do it because it's her job. I go anyway because I'm not trying to get in any trouble. I'm pretty sure she's the one who left those books out not the 'kids' as she claims. I sense her irritation when I don't give her the reaction she's asking for, she's such a brat.

I wait for the end of my shift, getting a call from mommy saying she's on her way to get me. When I see mommy's car I grab my things leaving not too bothered about saying goodbye to anyone. "Hi sissy!" Skyla yells as soon as I open the passenger door.

"Baby, inside voices remember." Mommy tells her. The poor woman's probably heard enough yelling for today. "Hey sweet-pea, how was work?"

I shrug. I know Mommy worries about me when I'm away from her, and I don't want to add more stress to her day. She's very protective when it comes to Sky and I. "Same old." I say before we finally head home, listening to Skyla the whole way there.

When we get home, I change into shorts and an oversized shirt. I go over to sit with mommy while she watches her boring bachelorette show. Somehow she managed to get daddy into watching it. Mommy pulls me to her by my leg and sits me on her lap when I'm close enough. "Were you wearing a pull up to work this morning?" She asks when she feels my padded bottom. I nod hiding my face with my arm making her coo.

Skyla sitting tucked into mommy's side. I push her away because she's had mama the whole day today, it's not fair. "Hey!" Skyla shouts upset. "That mean!" I turn my face away not wanting to look at mama who's now looking down at me unimpressed.

"Pia! That wasn't very nice baby, can you apologise to your sister?" I shake my head and mama raises an eyebrow warningly.

"Sorry." I say quickly, but I still don't want her near my mama. She leans back onto mama and mama giving her a kiss. I try to be sneaky and push her away with my toe, but give up after a while of it not working. My attention shifts from Skyla now to mama's boobies.

I place my hand strategically over mama's boobie. I've always wanted her to breastfeed me but she never seems to catch the signals. I've had her as my mama for a little over 9 months now and Skyla's been with them for a bit longer than that. I didn't have the courage to tell mama I wanted to be breastfed when she asked me what I'd need from her while little. We're both bottle-fed, it's usually chocolate or strawberry milk but I don't want that anymore.

I've read about other littles getting milk from their mommies and it's really frustrating that mama doesn't give me any of hers. I press on her boobie waiting to see her reaction but she doesn't even notice. I try to feel for her nipple but she's wearing a bra so it won't work if I try to pinch her there. I smack her boobie and mama yelps finally paying attention. "What was that for?" Mama asks.

"Accident mama." I say acting innocent, and holding in a laugh. She shakes her head.

"It didn't feel like one." She responds going back to watching her stupid show again. I feel like screaming my lungs out. I really don't know what to do now so I slap her boobie again. Mommy jolts giving my hand a tight smack.

"No smacking mama there baby it hurts." She says and I'm left pouting. I suckle on my thumb because mama's boobies are just there as ornaments. I need to find a way to make them useful, I'm thinking of letting Sky in on the plan. "I need to start getting dinner ready." Mama says putting me on the couch so she could stand up and I groan upset.

"I help please mama?" Sky asks.

"Me help too mama!" I chirp in.

"If you both promise to behave." Mama says walking away. We both follow after her with Skyla just a little bit ahead of me. I think I'll write a secret letter letting mama know I want her milk and then I'll hide it somewhere she'll find it. I just won't write who it's from.

Once we're done I head upstairs to get started on the letter. I decide to write something straight to the point. The best place to put it in our pull up and diaper shelf, there's no way mama's not going to see it there. Now we just wait.

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