9. What If

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"Would you marry me if we were the last two people on Earth?" Isabella was annoyed. She'd been dropping literally every hint she could think of since this morning, and Phineas hadn't picked up on a single one. This was simple. If he said no, at least she'd know for certain that he just wasn't interested. If he said yes, she would--No, don't get ahead of yourself.

"Who would marry us?

She froze. "What?"

Phineas frowned. "If we're the last two people on Earth, who would perform the ceremony? You're Jewish, there's all kind of laws and traditions stuff that have to be dealt with."

Ferb raised his hand.

"No, you still count as person so you wouldn't be there." Phineas waved him off. "Besides, you're not a rabbi."

This was not working. "I'll convert."

They both gave her a double take.

"No, no, I couldn't ask you to do that." Phineas tapped his non-existent chin. "Though, if we're the last two people, it would be for the benefit of humanity..." He shook his head. "Okay, let's save that for plan B. Robots? Would it be possible to make a robot Rabbi? Ferb?"

Great, he had blueprints. Isabella sighed.

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