"Shall we", Sully asked as the group nodded their heads, descending down the ladder, the four appeared in a room with many holes in the walls and pillars

"So, what was Sir Francis doing all the way out here anyway", Elena asked

"He was on a secret expedition for Queen Elizabeth", Nate replied

"Yeah, to find the lost city of Ubar", Sully added

"The Atlantis of the Sands, somewhere in the middle of the Rub' al Khali desert", Ella added as well

"This place tells you how to find it, supposedly", Sully stated, looking around the room, most of the holes had levers inside them; deciphering everything, the four found their way forward, although most were scared about losing their arms, the levers were pulled, and the way forward was opened

"Ok, so why the big secret all these centuries, what did Elizabeth expect Drake to find", Elena asked

"We don't know exactly, treasure, I guess", Nate replied, the group entering through another door, and approaching a brazier which Nate lit up, revealing a star chart map

"Well I'll be go to hell", Sully said

"Whoa", Elena said

"As above so below", Nate muttered

"A celestial map, perfect for navigating through the desert or ocean", Ella said

"Think you can remember this", Nate asked

"Well, yeah, but...", Sully began

"Guys, look at this", Elena called out, bringing everyone's attention to the wall, there, it showed people in fear,

"Well, that's all... cheery", Nate replied with unease until a familiar sound was heard

"Do you hear that", Elena asked

"Not again", Ella mumbled

"Get away from the walls", Nate stated

"Hold onto that torch, kid", Sully said as multiple spiders came crawling out of the wall, and the doorway, through the light, and everywhere,

"Oh, crap", Nate muttered

"Nate, sweep the torch, we gotta get out of here, now", Ella stated as Nate nodded his head, Nate swung the torch around, making the spiders back off and everyone quickly moved forward; Elena and Sully shooting at any spider that got close, soon reaching the door and quickly closing it behind them, they were safe... for now

"Guys... look at this", Ella called out, the three turning around to see writing on the walls

"Let not the world deceive thee with its beauty", "it is the dream of a dreamer, a mirage of the desert", Nate read out loud

"The cup of death will be filled for thee", lovely, it's all in English", Sully said

"It had to have been from Drake" Ella said

"Hang on, Drake sails thousands of miles looking for this Atlantis of the Sands; and when he gets this far... what he finds here is enough to make him turn around, sail home, and hide all evidence of his voyage", Elena asked

"Right", Nate replied

"There has to be something else, Drake had to have found something that we missed here", Ella replied, the four walking back to the entrance, "it would explain why he didn't go past this point",

"You really wanna go back there and find out", Nate asked

"Not really", Ella said, the four making it back to the entrance, only for a smoke grenade to be thrown in

"It's an ambush", Sully shouted

"Everybody down", Nate ordered, everybody taking cover, as the goons came in; the four knocked a couple down and took their guns, then... the shootout began; after awhile, all the goons there were dead, and the four quickly left the area, making their way back into the city above, and leaving their guns behind, as the four were making their escape, Nate quickly held his neck

"No", Nate muttered

"Nate", Elena called out

"Run", Nate muttered again,

"Oh-no", Sully said

"What's wrong with him", Elena asked

"They drugged him", Ella said, holding up a tiny dart, "Nate, we need to go, come on",

"Get away from me", Nate shouted, running off,

"Nate", Ella called out, running after him, only to see him being captured by Talbot, as he was leading Nate away; Ella silently followed, there, he was taken to both Marlowe and Anne where he soon snapped out of it

"Welcome back", Marlowe greeted, in her hands was Drake's ring

"Oh, Nate", Ella mumbled, staying in her hiding spot, listening in on the conversation

"I don't recommend making a scene, you're not exactly here legally, remember", Anne sneered, Nate looked around, looking for a way out, but none was there; fortunately, he spotted Ella, but turned back to face Marlowe, not wanting to blow her cover

"Greatness from small beginnings", beneath that cocky exterior, you're still the same scared, filthy little runaway, aren't you", Marlowe asked

"Skip the mind games, you don't know me", Nate stated

"In fact... I suspect I know you better than anyone, Mr. Drake... I wonder if your wife knows that isn't your real name, is it", Marlowe explained, making Nate shocked at what she knew, "but we won't dwell on that, mother commits suicide... father surrenders son to the state at the age of five... entrusted to the St. Francis Boys Home... it's all so Dickensian", Nate glared at Marlowe, from what he could tell, so was Ella, yet, as Nate looked down at the table, a picture of Ella was there, "don't worry, she's only of interest to Anne, and Anne alone, I don't know why I thought she had the potential to stay alive and join our group", Nate was shocked, his eyes fell on Ella, she was also in shock, "but I was wrong, should've let Anne kill her",

"What do you want from me", Nate sneered, glaring daggers at Marlowe

"As much as it pains us to admit it, we need your help... to find Victor Sullivan", Anne stated

"We already know he has the coordinates to find Iram", Marlowe added

"How do you know that", Nate asked

"You told us, Nathan, it seems your loyalty isn't as firm as you'd like to think it is", Marlowe stated, "what about his",

"What are you trying to pull", Nate asked

"Nothing, we've had you in our clutches for quite some time now, he hasn't even mounted a rescue", Anne stated

"He didn't rescue you or Ella back in Cartagena, either; just saw something he could exploit", Marlowe explained, "Victor is only in it for Victor, it's a cold hard fact; I discovered it twenty years ago, I'm surprised it's taken you this long to figure it out; when he scooped you and Ella off the streets of Colombia twenty years ago, did he save you both from that life, or did he just doom you both to this one", Talbot got up from his spot and whispered in Marlowe's ear, "I see, Victor has been found, on the other side of town; I'm sorry, Nathan, but it seems you've been removed from the equation",

Nate looked over towards Ella, which she gave a nod; Nate sighed and flipped the table, gaining the attention of the police, Ella ran out of hiding , surprising Anne and Marlowe, but not able to get anything they had; both Nate and Ella chased after Talbot who was now running away; after awhile of running, the three began throwing fists at each other, as Talbot fell, defeated, he began laughing, confusing Nate and Ella, until they turned around, only to be hit in the head.

Uncharted 3, The Mystery of UbarWhere stories live. Discover now