The Middle Way

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"Oh... this is a...", Nate began

"Yes, oh", Cutter said in disappointment, "I knew it wouldn't be that simple",

"There has to be something we missed, another clue", Ella stated, swiping the scope from Cutter and looking around the castle

"See anything", Nate asked

"Our missing piece, those pillars over there, that's where we're pointing toward", Ella said, handing the scope back to Cutter

"Alright, let's go check it out", Cutter said

"We'll meet up with Sully and Chloe on the way", Nate stated only to be found by Marlowe's men and pinned

"We gotta move", Ella said as then an explosion rang out

"What was that", Cutter asked

"It's Sully", Nate stated, the three moving forward, Sully shooting rockets at the goons from a distance, as the goons fell dead, the three met up with Sully and Chloe

"You three alright", Chloe asked

"Still in one piece, come on, we're onto something", Nate said

"Glad to see you guys are alright", Ella said

"You too", Sully reassured as the group reached the pillars

"Here we are", Cutter announced

"Alright, the crypt entrance should be here someplace", Nate stated

"Well, what does Lawrence say about it", Chloe asked

"He doesn't", Cutter said

"This is as far as he got", Ella stated

"Symbolically, two pillars are used to mark a gateway", Cutter explained

"Swell, which two", Sully asked

"And a gateway to what", Chloe asked as well

"Well, another realm, a holy place, a place of initiation", Cutter explained

"Oh, doesn't that sound like fun", Sully said as everyone was around the place

"Where the hell's Charlie", Nate asked

"Who knows", Sully said as the four backtracked, only to see Cutter and Talbot; Cutter at gunpoint as Talbot slowly walked away, showing Cutter's journal in his hand, as he was out of sight, the four ran up to Cutter, and to where Talbot had walked towards; only to find him gone

"He's gone, how in the world...", Sully asked

"Hey, Charlie, you ok", Nate asked

"Charlie", Chloe asked

"Sorry, Charlie", Ella said, pulling a dart from Cutter's neck, "they drugged him",

"What kind of black ops bullshit is this", Sully asked

"Let's just hope he didn't have a big dose", Chloe said

"Oh, no, no, no, no...", Cutter muttered

"Easy now, look at me, Charlie, we gotta move now, ok", Nate said, trying to snap Cutter out of it

"Don't touch me, get away from me", Cutter sneered, backing away from Nate little by little

"No one's touching you", Ella reassured

"What the hell was in that dart", Sully asked

"Your face is peeling off", Cutter stated

"Well, whatever it was, he's tripping balls", Chloe stated as well

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