London Underground

180 3 1

(Present Day)

"And... they're gone, alright lads, lady", Cutter asked as Nate, Ella, and Sully all opened their eyes, later laughing at what they pulled off

"Thought you were gonna put a silencer on that thing", Sully stated

"Sully, you've got no sense of drama", Cutter said, helping the three up

"All that racket's gonna bring the cops any minute", Sully stated once again, "let's get the hell outta here",

"You coulda pulled a couple of those punches, Charlie", Nate said

"What d'ya mean, I hardly touched you", Cutter stated

"You headbutted me", Nate argued

"Alright, alright, I got swept up in the moment; if it's any consolation, your wife hit me with a pool stick, hard", Cutter explained

"Sorry about that", Ella muttered

"No worries, besides, you were the one who said, "make it look realistic", Cutter said, looking at Nate

"Better stay on his good side", Sully warned in a teasing tone as Cutter pulled out a walkie-talkie

"Alright, Bright Eyes, look sharp, they're coming your way, don't lose 'em", Cutter stated

"You got it", Nate asked as Ella pulled out Drake's ring from her pocket

"Nothing too hard for me", Ella said with a smile, putting Drake's ring back around Nate's neck

"Told you they'd take the bait", Nate stated, looking at the two guys

"How long d'you reckon before they realize theirs is a fake", Cutter asked

"Who cares, we finally flushed 'em out", Nate stated

"Now we just follow 'em back to their hole", Sully added as the four began moving forward

"You do realize you make everything sound dirty", Nate said

"I do", Sully asked, confused, making both Nate and Ella let out a quiet chuckle; after awhile, the four quickly moved away from the bar and towards the backstreets, avoiding the cops, and rendezvousing with Chloe

"Evening lads and lady", Chloe greeted, "looks like hell spit you three back out",

"Ah, it was a thing of beauty, Chloe", Sully stated

"Went off without a hitch", Cutter added

"You're unusually quiet, what's up your bum", Chloe asked, looking at Nate

"Oh, well, Charlie seemed to enjoy himself a little bit too much for my taste", Nate explained

"Looks like I missed out on some fun", Chloe said

"It was nothing too big, everything go ok", Ella asked

"Yeah", Chloe said

"And you're sure they didn't see you trailing 'em", Nate asked

"Not a chance", Chloe stated

"So which door is Scary Poppins hiding behind", Cutter asked

"That one, the green door", Chloe stated, pointing towards a building with a green garage door, "they drove in ages ago and it's been dark ever since",

"You think they're still in there", Nate asked

"Well, I haven't taken my eyes off it, and no one's gone in or out", Chloe said, handing everyone their equipment, pistols with silencers on them and flashlights

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