The Old Estate

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(A Few Days Later, Eastern France)

"End of the line, I guess", Nate said, stopping the car, after arriving in France, the three began driving towards their destination, only for the forest to stop then in their tracks

"Don't", Nate said, looking over at Sully who had a small smile on his face until he began laughing, Nate, Ella, and Sully got out of the car

"Time to go the rest of the way on foot", Ella stated, Sully kept laughing

"What", Nate asked

"Leave it to you two to find friggin' a jungle in the middle of France", Sully stated

"Well, we're definitely headed in the right direction; Chateau should be this way, not too far, now", Nate said as the three started walking

"Not too far, with you, I never know if that means quarter mile or twenty, like that time you got us lost in Peru", Sully stated

"You really want to bring up Peru", Nate said with a laugh

"You are not still holding that over me", Sully asked

"We were fifteen, Sully, shoulda known when we met ya that we'd be in prison within a year", Nate stated

"You were headed that way on your own, if you recall, Ella stuck with you through all that", Sully added, "besides, I got you two out, didn't I, I always get you all out",

"Were here", Ella said, the three looking out at the old Chateau

"Gotta have more faith in me, Sully", Nate said with a smile as Sully rolled his eyes, making the two laugh

"Come on, let's get over there", Ella said as the two men nodded their heads and the three ran forward, arriving at the Chateau's front door

"The knight who owned this castle, Lord Godfrey, returned from the Crusades in the 12th century", Nate explained, "according to Lawrence, all that's left of the original castle is the square keep in the gardens",

"Not getting in this way", Sully stated

"Hang on, I'll see if I can find a way around", Nate said, he then began climbing around and found a way inside; a few minutes later, Ella and Sully walked over to a window, which Nate shot the lock off and the two entered inside; not long after, the three began making their way through the chateau

"Nate, Ella, square tower... looks pretty old", Sully stated, looking out the window

"Matches the one in Lawrence's notebook, that must be it", Nate said, the three continuing forward, and soon reaching an underground area of the chateau; unfortunately, Nate and Ella fell deeper underground

"Like old times, huh", Ella asked

"Pretty much", Nate said, the two traversing through, later hearing an odd noise

"You hear that too, right", Ella asked

"Yeah, be careful", Nate said as Ella nodded her head, not long after, the two reached a narrow passage

"Looks like the only way through", Nate said, entering the passage, after a few seconds, Ella heard a splash, "I'm through, just be careful when you exit",

"Got it, coming through", Ella called out, entering the passage, as she neared the exit, spiders, the size of a grown adult's hand came down on her, making Ella panic as she made her way out; she immediately began swatting the siders off, then tripped and fell into shallow water below

"El, are you alright", Nate said in panic as Ella sat up in the water

"Giant spiders... please tell me there's nothing on me", Ella asked

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