Stealing Drake's Ring, Part 1

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(Cartagena, Colombia, 20 years earlier)

"Nate, wait up", Ella shouted, running toward Nate

"El, just in time", Nate said

"I'm here, what did you need", Ella asked

"Ella, I'm stealing Drake's ring, taking it back", Nate stated

"In front of many people, and guards, we'll be thrown out before we even get to it", Ella explained

"No we won't, you trust me", Nate asked

"After what we've been through, I'd be crazy to say no", Ella stated, making Nate smile

"Come on", Nate said as the two entered the museum, "alright, here we go",

"Do you know where the rings at", Ella asked in a quiet voice

"No", Nate said

"Let's try upstairs then", Ella said as Nate nodded his head, walking up the stairs, then, over in a display case, there was the ring, alongside an astrolabe

"Here it is", Nate whispered

"I could pick the lock, but not with this many people here, and the guards", Ella whispered back

"Crap" Nate muttered, later pulling out his journal and sketching the astrolabe and writing on old paper; Ella soon got his attention and both turned their heads to see a man in a green shirt jacket walking around, yet looking at where they were at.

"Come on", Nate whispered, dragging Ella away from the display case and towards another, pretending to look at another; both Nate and Ella's attention was drawn to the man, he walked up towards the display case, back turned to the keyhole and inserted an uncut key without anyone noticing, jiggling it around, then taking it out

"This isn't good, we gotta get that key", Ella whispered, as the man began walking away

"Let's follow him", Nate said, right before the two could move, a security guard grabbed both Nate and Ella, and began dragging them away

"Sueltame", Ella shouted, but the guard didn't care, as the man walked out the way the two came, Nate and Ella were pulled out the other, later tossed out into the streets, and the guard returned inside

"Pendejo", Nate shouted right before the guard closed the doors, later helping Ella up, "you alright",

"Yeah, I'm fine", Ella said, as the two turned around, they instantly found the man with the key

"Oh, there he is", Nate said

"Let's go", Ella said as the two walked forward, later ducking into cover as the two silently followed him through the busy streets

"Where's he going", Nate muttered

"I don't know, come on, we need to keep up with him", Ella whispered as the two continued forward, later following the man into a key shop; unfortunately, the door was locked, forcing the two to climb up the building, as they reached the top floor, Ella was able to see the man

"Hey El, what do you see", Nate asked quietly as Ella peered into the room

"Keys made, it's in his wallet, back right pocket", Ella muttered

"Alright, let's go get that wallet", Nate stated, quietly as Ella nodded her head, climbing around building, the two kept trailing the man

"Oh... who's your friend", Nate asked, looking down at the man who met up with a woman

"She looks familiar, I don't know why though", Ella said

"Come on, were close", Nate stated, he and Ella began climbing down and back onto solid ground, following the two up to a bar

"Go on ahead, I got this", Nate whispered

"Be careful", Ella asked as Nate nodded his head, Ella walked forward further down the street as Nate carefully swiped the wallet, later re-meeting with Ella

"Got it, and hello", Nate said, opening up the wallet

"Ready to head on back", Ella asked, swiping the wallet from Nate

"Yeah, but I'm holding onto this", Nate stated, swiping the wallet back from Ella and putting it in his pocket, the two later running away once they were out from distance from him, only to be caught off guard by the man

"Crap", Nate muttered, he and Ella skidded to a stop, only to be grabbed by the man

"Sueltame, viejo", both Nate and Ella shouted in unison

"Let's try that again", the man asked

"Let go of us", Nate asked, sternly

"Ahh, that's what I thought, now don't try to run", the man stated, letting go of the two, "you're a long way from home, kids",

"Don't call us that", Ella asked

"Parents must be worried about you", the man said

"Not likely", both Nate and Ella said in unison

"Okay, sore subject, that was a nice lift back there, you guys are pretty good", the man complimented

"We don't know what you're talking about, old man", Nate stated

"Hey, don't call me that, your technique is really sloppy though, you're telegraphing all your moves", the man explained

"You're crazy", Ella said

"Yeah, you two've been tailing me all over town, probably figured me for an easy mark; but you two picked the wrong guy", the man stated, Nate and Ella began backing away slowly, only to be stopped by the man

"What", Nate asked

"My wallet", the man asked, holding out his hand, but Nate refused, "fine, maybe we'll just call the police",

"Go ahead, course they might wonder why a middle-aged tourist is following young boys and girls down alleyways", Ella stated, making Nate smirk at her and the man to laugh

"You two are crafty little beggars, aren't you", the man asked

"We know how to take care of ourselves", Nate stated, "anyway, we're pretty sure you don't like the cops anymore than we do",

"Good point", the man said, with that, Nate and Ella began walking away, "kids, the wallet",

"Hand it over", Ella said making Nate sigh and toss the wallet back, "had to try",

"Course you did", the man said, Nate and Ella running away as the man went back to what he was doing

"What was that for", Nate asked

"Trust me, ok, let's get to the museum", Ella stated as Nate stayed silent but nodded his head and the two continued running towards the museum.

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