Mother Vs Daughter

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"You", Marlowe sneered

"Drake", Talbot sneered, pointing his gun at Nate, before anything could happen, an earthquake hit and the floor broke, turning it into quicksand; Anne and Talbot were lucky enough to climb out, Ella, held her hand out which Nate grabbed and she was able to help pull him out, but Marlowe was stuck in the middle

"Katherine", Anne shouted in worry

"I can't reach", Talbot said, attempting to reach out to Marlowe

"Come on, kids, I'll pull you up", Sully stated

"Nathan... Drake, are you worthy of the name", Marlowe asked, earning both Nate's and Ella's attention as she took off Drake's ring from around her neck, "earn this, as Francis earned it from Elizabeth, prove your greatness",

"I've got nothing to prove", Nate stated

"Hurry, give me your hand", Sully shouted

"You can't just let her die", Talbot shouted back

"The hell they can't", Sully shouted

"Here, grab it", Nate stated, tossing his bandolier towards Marlowe which she grabbed, both Nate and Ella attempting to pull her to safety

"I can't, I can't", Marlowe said as she was soon taken by the quicksand, alongside Drake's Ring

"No", both Anne and Talbot shouted

"Nate, Ella", Sully shouted, both running towards Sully and climbing up to safety, but the quicksand was rising

"Run", Nate said as the three took off into a sprint, up the stairs and through the crumbling city, as the three made it to higher ground, Ella was tackled off the platform by Anne

"Ella", Nate shouted, as Talbot began to fight both Nate and Sully, it was just Ella and Anne now

"You've been a thorn in my side for far too long", Anne sneered, "21 years of my life wasted away in prison, because of you; my best friend, dead, because of you; this organization, gone, because of you",

"Alright, alright, I get it, yet I'm not the one to blame for all this", Ella stated in anger

"Yes, you are, right here, right now, I will kill you", Anne shouted, charging forward towards Ella, both engaging in a fistfight; at first, it seemed like everyone was equally matched, until Ella was knocked over, and Anne seized the opportunity, cutting of Ella's air circulation

"Die, you worthless brat", Anne sneered, until she was thrown off of Ella

"Hands off my wife", Nate sneered, Ella had slipped off the side, but was able to catch herself, but all Anne saw... was red; she charged forward, attacking Nate, throwing his gun off the side, leaving him defenseless, yet, Anne pulled out another gun, Nate was trapped

"So long", Anne sneered, pointing the gun directly at Nate


Nate flinched, but didn't feel any pain, he then turned his head back to Anne, she stayed in her position, gun pointed at Nate, but... she didn't pull the trigger; Anne slowly looked down, blood was coming out of her stomach area, both Anne and Nate peered over the edge, there was Ella, gun in her hand, a perfect shot at Anne; Anne let out a small yet sinister laugh as she fell into the sands, disappearing from sight

"Ella, come on", Nate shouted, holding his hand out, which Ella took, and Nate helped her up, "you ok",

"Yeah... where's Sully", Ella asked

"Right here, kid", Sully stated, meeting up with the two, only for the three to run once again, the entrance was close, but with the destruction around, they weren't gonna make it

"It's no good, we can't make it", Sully shouted as Salim rode in with horses in tow

"Salim", Nate called out

"Hurry, get on", Salin called out, the three getting on the horses and riding out of the sinking city, at a far distance, everyone turned around to see Ubar sinking into the sands of the Rub' al Khali Desert, never to be seen or discovered, ever again

"My god", Sully said

"So much for immeasurable wealth, huh", Nate asked, Ella slapping Nate on the back of his head

"We just escaped, and you're already talking about money", Ella asked, which Nate apologized

"Well..", Sully said, gaining the two's attention, holding a small amount of gold coins

"It's not much, is it", Ella asked

"It's enough", Sully stated as everyone turned around and began riding back towards civilization, as the city was no longer seen to the eye.

Uncharted 3, The Mystery of UbarTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon