Saving Sully

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(The Next Day)

"To the convoy, follow me this way", Salim stated, as dawn came in, Nate, Ella, and Salim all rode out towards the canyons,

"You got it", Nate said as the three rode through the pass and found the convoy

"Sully has to be in the front, you ready for this", Ella asked

"Let's do this", Nate replied, the three entering the convoy, climbing up onto trucks and taking out the goons, and also going back on horseback to catch up to the lead car

"Sully", Ella shouted

"Sullivan", Nate shouted as well

"Sully", both Nate and Ella shouted in unison as then a car door opened up, right as the goon was about to shoot, Sully punched him out of the car

"Sully, you're alive", Nate shouted in excitement, Sully taking out the goons in the car and jumping over to the truck

"Oh crap, I'm slipping", Sully shouted

"Hang on, Sully, I gotcha", Ella shouted, only for Sully to be dragged into the truck by a goon; Ella quickly jumped onboard, saving Sully, but he was over the edge once again, luckily enough, Ella's horse was there, saving Sully; not long after, all that was left was the goon, quickly jumping onto a crane, Ella kicked the goon, only for the crane to swing

"Oh dear", Ella muttered, holding on for dear life, the truck coming dangerously close to the cliff

"Ella, drop down" Nate stated as Ella let go, dropping down behind Nate as he slowed his horse to a stop and the truck skidded off the cliff

"Hey", Nate greeted, he, Ella, and Sully all sharing a group hug

"Oh, man", Sully muttered

"You alright", Ella asked

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, but... damn, I was sure they'd kill you, kids", Sully stated

"Well, they tried, right", Nate asked with a laugh

"So, how the hell did you find me all the way out here", Sully asked

"We had some help", Ella stated as Salim rode up to the three

"Salim", Salim greeted

"Sullivan, thank you", Sully said

"We haven't much time, we cannot allow them to reach the city", Salim stated

"He's right, guys, I've been trapped with those crazy bastards for days", Sully explained, "I don't know what the hell it is Marlowe's after, exactly, but it sure as hell ain't treasure, we've got to stop 'em",

"Drake, we must go, now", Salim said as Sully got on his horse, Nate and Ella getting on theirs

"Never a dull moment, huh", Ella asked

"Why change now", Sully asked back as the three rode off, after Salim and his men

"There, straight ahead", Salim stated, looking at a sandstorm

"Into the storm", Nate asked, unsure, "are you sure you know what you're doing",

"Trust me, Drake, Trust me", Salim shouted as everyone entered the storm, Nate, Ella, and Sully all getting separated from Salim; yet found themselves travelling forward by foot, unfortunately, part of the surviving convoy had made it there already; as the three made their way through, they were the first at the gates, which they soon opened, revealing... the Atlantis of the Sands.

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