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❕Key info❕

1. In this story the drones design will be more "humanoid" Basically androids.

2. I know in the show its said that humans are basically extinct but for the sake of the story that's gonna change.

So without further ado, enjoy~~

Wayyyy, before I was born, humans created drones to do work for us. It lasted awhile and was a great phase according to my grandma. But every phase ends eventually and ours ended with a chunk of humanity being wiped out due to an "accident" but I feel like it was caused more by our stupidity.

Luckily for us, those who weren't dead lived on 'new' planet or on work ships commanding drones.

Just like me. Learning how ships work, keeping up with school, and most of all, hunting down runaway worker drones with murder drones and shutting them down brutally.

Personally, I wasn't a fan of the last one and neither were a few friends of mine but unless we wanted to be thrown in jail and ridiculed for the rest of our lives, we had to pretend we didn't care, and that we did.

"Y/n! Hurry down or grandma is gonna start eating without us!" Mom knocks on my door as she walks by.

Yawning and stretching, I respond groggily. "Alrighttt! Lemme get dressed.." Before I could fall asleep again, I rushed up, grabbing my ship mechanic suit since that is what we were doing today before getting cleaned up and making my way to the table.

As I sit down, grandma chuckles pouring me a cup of what was probably tea. "I tried waking you up but you slept like a log, seems like you only listen to your mother's call."

I giggle nervously, mixing sugar into my tea. "Yeah, shes pretty scary in the mornings.." Grandma pats my shoulders before whispering in my ear. "She gets it from her father.." We both let out laughs as mom came back.

"What are you two laughing about?" We both shake our heads as she let's out a frustrated sigh. "Anyways Y/n, Xavier came by to walk with you to class but you were sleep so he's waiting for you at the school gates."

Silently thanking my grandma and sliding my plate towards me before shoveling some eggs into my mouth, I responded. "Mhm, got it"

"And Y/n." She turns towards me, glaring daggers. "Do not be late." I swallowed harshly before nodding. "Great, and have a nice day!" She smiles and kisses my cheek as if she didn't just threaten me.

I sigh as I continue eating breakfast and talking to grandma. Before I knew it, it was time to go. "Alright gamgam I'm leaving!" I smile, using the nickname she hates.

She pinches my cheeks aggressively, making my eyes water a bit. "Alright have a great day Y/n. And please..." she stops and gives me a concerned look. "Dont do anything that could ruin yourself... I've noticed that..." she speaks lower than before.

"I've noticed that you and Xavier have been a lot more merciful to the worker drones, not that that's a bad thing but if I've noticed I'm sure the commanders did as well. Please be careful the both of you. I wouldn't want you to end up like Jeremy."

I flinch at her last line before nodding. "We'll be more careful Grandma, promise." She nods before I walk out and close the door behind me.

The walk through the school building was more tense than usual, especially with grandma's words resting on my shoulders. Before I could dwell on it any longer, Xavier was running my way, holding his bag and trying to prevent his glasses from slipping off his face.

"Y/n I have great news!" He says before trying to catch his breath. I give him a second before he quickly looks at me again, gripping my hands, his green eyes scanning my face with excitement.

"hmm where is it.." he digs through his bag, pulling out two phone-shaped objects. "But dont we already have phones?" I say still not getting what he was excited about. "These aren't phones Y/n, these are advanced walkie talkies!" I nodded, waiting for him to continue.

"Since we stopped making the old ones, I decided to-" and I suddenly stopped listening. Xavier didn't notice until he handed me one of the "walkies". "Huh?" His face fell immediately.

"You weren't even listening?!?!" I shake my head. "Just give me the short version." He pouts before giving a brief explanation. "Its a cool walkie talkie with cool functions that I'll surprise you with later."

It was pretty easy to use and had different apps, mostly stuff we use in school like hacking boards and could shoot hacking bullets to stall drones incase they malfunctioned. "So... what's it called?"

Xavier pushed up his glasses, making it impossible to see his eyes. "Heheh so very glad you asked Y/n..." regretting my question, I tried to stop him, but he cut me off. "My almighty invention is called..X-com!"

"X-com?" I stopped at a vending machine grabbing a snack. "Mhm, short for Xavier communicater and before you ask it was totally not named that because I can't name things." I giggle as we scan our key cards grabbing things from our lockers.

The walk to our class was peacefully quiet aside from all the noise of the students in the hall and me eating my snack. "So you wanna skip Ms.B's class?" Xavier asked, eating some of my chips.

"As much as I love playing with the MD's, I cant my mom will kill me if I skip again."

"aw c'mon! You know you miss Serial Designation J and her squad, especially N~~"

"Dude shut up your the only one who misses J" I laugh pushing him lightly.

"Speaking of drones...did you hear what happened to Jeremy and that MD?"

He frowns as we sit down at our desk whispering. "Yeah, they fell in love and when the commanders found out they disassembled her right in front of him...before they could start his trial he took an escape pod and they gave up on searching for him."

Before we could talk more, Ms.B enters the room. "Alright class! Today we will be commanding murder drones." A few students cheer as others groan at the fact that we won't be flying ships.

"Well guess we don't have to skip class anymore." Xavier nods as we fist bump.
A/n: Heyyyy hope you enjoyed chapter 1, this book will be updated as much as I can. ^^

And if i match where the episode ended there wont be a new update until I watch the new episode

𝙎𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙂𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙~ Murder Drones N x Reader Where stories live. Discover now